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TOPIC | Adventuring--A Beginner's Guide

Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:09:10
A guide for adventuring as of 7/23/22.

Adventuring is a feature that is still in development: the following information may need revision.

If any portion of adventuring is updated or you have information to add, do not post in this thread. Instead PM me or leave a comment on my profile.

Thank you!

Table of Contents

Page 1: A Beginner's Guide

▶ Section 1: Introduction ◀
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 16:09:01
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:11:10

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
▶ Section 2: Terminology ◀
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

A cat’s base stats, which can be found in their profile. These consists of Strength, Agility, Health, Finesse, Cleverness, Perception, and Luck. All aspects of adventuring are built on these.

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Here is an example of a cat's stats, courtesy of Brook. As you can see, each stat has a numerical value. Brook's Strength, for example, is 12.

Stat Grades
Stat grades refer to the overall “rank” a cat’s stat is given based on its numerical value. In adventuring, your cat’s stat grade determines how many dice your cat will use for adventure features. You can find your cat's stat grade by looking at the text below each stat. To use the above image as a reference again, Brook's Strength stat grade is Average.

The following chart indicates the number of die associated with each stat grade:
Poor [0-6] = 1 die
Average [7-12] = 2 dice
Good [13-16] = 3 dice
Very Good [17-20] = 4 dice
Excellent [21-25] = 5 dice
Exceptional [26+] = 6 dice

Using the above chart, we can determine that any rolls associated with Brook's Strength Stat--which is Average--would be performed with 2 dice.

Adventure Stats
A cat's stats as displayed on their adventure page. To view these, select the Explore dropdown menu, then click Adventure! to open the adventure page. From here, click the Edit Party button, then add/select a cat in your party. Adventuring stats consist of Melee Attack Power, Dodge Chance, Health Points, Range Attack Power, Support Skill, Initiative Order, Bravery, Benevolence, and Spite.

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Here are Brook's adventure stats. The adventure stat Melee Attack Power is directly influenced by a cat's Strength skill grade, meaning that Brook will have 2 dice for Melee Attack Power rolls (as well as two dice for all other abilities and skills that use the Strength stat). We will go into further detail on which standard stats factor into which adventure stats in the next post.

Personality Traits
In addition to finding a cat's stats on their profile, we can also find their personality traits. Personality traits also have a numerical value, but unlike stats they are displayed in a gauge format and do not have a grade. Below is an example of Brook's personality traits.

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Currently the only personality traits that are pertinent to adventuring are Bravery and Benevolence. This will also be expounded upon in the next section.
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 13:10:14
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:05
Adventure Stats

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
▶ Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats ◀
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

As discussed earlier, a cat's standard Stats (and in most cases their stat grade) factor directly into a cat's adventure stats and often determine how many dice will be used in each.

Throughout this guide we will continue to look at Brook's stats as a reference.

"Happy to help!"

Melee Attack Power
Directly proportional to a cat’s Strength stat grade. Each Strength stat grade adds an additional standard die.

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Dodge Chance
Directly proportional to a cat’s Agility stat grade. Each Agility stat grade adds and additional reduced die.

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Health Points
Directly proportional to a cat’s Health stat. A cat's numerical Health stat value directly translates into their numerical Health Point value.

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Range Attack Power
Directly proportional to a cat’s Finesse stat grade. Each grade adds an additional standard die.

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Support Skill
Directly proportional to a cat's Cleverness stat grade. Each grade adds an additional standard die.

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Initiative Order
Directly proportional to a cat's Perception stat. The numerical value of a cat’s Perception stat directly translates into the numerical value of their Initiative Order.

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Personality: Bravery
Cats with 0-1 Bravery: +1 standard
Cats with 2-3 Bravery: +2 standard
Cats with 4-7 Bravery: +3 standard
Cats with 8 Bravery: +4 standard
Cats with 10 Bravery: +5 standard

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Personality: Benevolence
Cats with 0-1 Benevolence: +1 standard
Cats with 2-3 Benevolence: +2 standard
Cats with 4-7 Benevolence: +3 standard
Cats with 8 Benevolence: +4 standard
Cats with 10 Benevolence: +5 standard

Personality: Spite
(Inversely proportional to Benevolence)
Cats with 10 Benevolence: +1 standard
Cats with 8 Benevolence: +2 standard
Cats with 4-7 Benevolence: +3 standard
Cats with 2-3 Benevolence: +4 standard
Cats with 0-1 Benevolence: +5 standard

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Movement Speed
Directly proportional to a cat's Agility stat grade. Each grade adds +1 tile.

Group Harmony
Based on their relationships, an individual party member can earn points towards critical success roles.
Rivals: +1 Broken/Black Heart (increases dire success by +2 points with withered dice)
No Relation: N/A
Friend, Sibling, Parent: +1 Heart (increases critical success by +1 point)
Partner, Best Friend, Littermate: +2 Hearts (increases critical success by +2 points)

"Standard dice? Reduced dice? Withered dice? What are all these dice?!" confused
We'll get there! For now all we need to know is that the more dice your cat has, the better--no matter the dice type!
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 13:11:02
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:08

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
▶ Section 4: Abilities ◀
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

At the time of this post there are four, non-class-dependent abilities available. The dice you roll for abilities are equal to that of the standard Skills they are based on. Certain abilities require items in order to be performed.

Description: A standard melee attack
Detail: Uses Strength dice
Required Item: None

Description: A standard range attack
Detail: Uses Finesse dice
Required Item: Crossbow Bolt

First Aid
Description: A standard healing ability
Detail: Uses Cleverness dice
Required Item: Cloth Bandage

Description: Improves the users dodge die for the next round
Detail: Turns a cat’s usual reduced die used for dodging into standard die. It is currently unknown if this skill is stackable with the Thief Class' improved Dodge Chance dice.
Required Item: None
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 11:55:07
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:17

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
▶ Section 5: Skills ◀
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

The following skills are available for level 1 cats and are not class-dependent. A cat's selected skills are performed with skilled die. Each individual skill can be improved by having corresponding items equipped/in your inventory. All Skills are based on your cat's Standard Stats and their stat grades.

Skills listed will be organized by the Standard Stat that it is based on.

Strength Skills
Use Strength dice.

Description Used for scaling vertical obstacles such as cliffs, trees, and big rocks.
Items: Rope (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to travel through the water!
Items: Flippers (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to break, destroy, or otherwise push through an object or barrier.
Items: Crowbar (improves dice for this skill)

Agility Skills
Uses Dodge Chance/Agility dice.

Description: Used to run extremely fast!!!
Items: Running Shoes (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to leap over obstacles or up to the tops of platforms.
Items: Vaulting Pole (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to avoid falling when navigating narrow or precarious surroundings.
Items: Climbing Spikes (improves dice for this skill)

Finesse Skills
Use Finesse dice.

Description: Complementary to Hide. Used to move quietly while avoiding detection.
Items: Supremely Sneaky Boots (improves dice for this skill)

Use Tool
Description: Indicates level of skill when using small tools and gadgets.
Items: Multitool (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to free oneself from being trapped or contained in some way.
Items: Pocket Knife (improves dice for this skill)

Perception Skills
Use Perception dice.

Description: Complementary to Listen. Used to see or notice things, often at a great distance.
Items: Spyglass (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Complementary to Sneak. Used to stay still and avoid detection from someone, or something, that might seek to find them.
Items: Camouflage Cloak (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Complementary to Spot. Used to notice things that are happening, even if you can't see them or it's completely dark out.
Items: Sound Amplifier (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to throughly [sic] look through and around a small area to find something.
Items: Magnifying Glass (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used to investigate footprints, markings, and other such signs left behind to follow another creature or not-cat.
Items: Compass (improves dice for this skill)

Cleverness Skills
Use Cleverness dice.

Knowledge of Animals
Description: Indicates your level of knowledge about local animals and other creatures
Items: Wildlife Field Guide (improves dice for this skill)

Knowledge of Plants
Description: Indicates level of knowledge of herbs, trees, flowers, and other plants.
Items: Botany Field Guide (improves dice for this skill)

Knowledge of Geology
Description: Indicates level of knowledge about rocks, gemstones, and other features of the natural landscape.
Items: Mineral Field Guide (improves dice for this skill)

Luck Skills
Use Luck dice.

Knowledge of Magic
Description: Indicates how knowledgeable a not-cat is about the various magical aspects that inhabit the universe.
Items: Mage's Compendium (improves dice for this skill)

Personality Skills
Use die based on Benevolence personality trait.

Description: Opposite of Intimidate. Used to bond with and get along with not-cats, animals, or other creatures.
Based on: Benevolence (positive correlation)
Items: Tile Game (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Opposite of Befriend. Used to scare other not-cats, animals, or creatures into fleeing or listening to your commands.
Based on: Benevolence (negative correlation)
Items: Frightening Mask (improves dice for this skill)

Description: Used for all means of deceptions and trickery, whether it is against other not-cats or wild creatures.
Based on: Benevolence (negative correlation)
Items: False Mustache (improves dice for this skill)
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 13:30:02
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:26

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
▶ Section 6: Classes ◀
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

Fighter Class
Turns your cat’s Adventure Stat "Melee Attack Power" dice, which are typically standard dice, into improved dice.

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Thief Class
Turns your cat’s Adventure Stat "Dodge Chance" dice, which are typically reduced dice, into standard dice.

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Guardian Class
Increases your cat’s Health stat by 150%.

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Ranger Class
Turns your cat's Adventure Stat "Range Attack Power" dice, which are typically standard dice, into improved dice.

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Medic Class
Turns your cat's Adventure Stat "Support Skill" dice, which are typically standard dice, into improved dice.

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Scout Class
Dice of all non-personality based abilities/skills, which are typically skilled dice, become expert dice. Additional, all party members receive a 150% increase to their Initiative.
This class improves the dice used for Skills, not for a specific Stat (except for the party-wide increase to the Initiative Adventure Stat).

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Bard Class
Turns the Bravery/Benevolence/Spite Skill dice, which are typically skilled dice, into expert dice for all party members.
This class improves the dice used for Skills, not for a specific adventure stat.

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-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 14:43:22
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:30

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
▶ Section 7: Items ◀
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

A list of gear items that can be used in adventuring. Some provide perks to skills while others are necessary for using specific abilities.

General Gear
Items that are required to use a specific ability.

gearCrossbow Bolt

Crossbow Bolt
Detail: Required for using the Bolt ability.
Acquired Through: Gather resources (craftscat), crafting (craftscat)

gearPoisoned Crossbow Bolt

Poisoned Crossbow Bolt
Detail: May be a variant of the standard Crossbow Bolt.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

gearVial of Poison

Vial of Poison
Detail: Use currently unknown.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

gearCloth Bandage

Cloth Bandage
Detail: Required for using the First Aid ability.
Acquired Through: Gather resources (clothier, crafts helper), crafting (clothier)

gearMedic's Pouch

Medic's Pouch
Detail: Use currently unknown.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

Equipment can enhance the die type of a specific skill when used. It has a 1/6 chance of breaking upon use.

Items will be organized by where they are crafted/acquired.

Clothier-Crafted Equipment


Detail: improves dice of the Climb skill

gearFalse Mustache

False Mustache
Detail: improves dice of Bluff skill

gearRunning Shoes

Running Shoes
Detail: improves dice of the Run skill

gearCamouflage Cloak

Camouflage Coat
Detail: improves dice of the Hide skill

gearSupremely Sneaky Boots

Supremely Sneaky Boots
Detail: improves dice of the Sneak skill


Detail: improves dice of the Swim skill

Artist-Crafted Equipment

gearTile Game

Tile Game
Detail: improves dice of the Befriend skill

gearFrightening Mask

Frightening Mask
Detail: improves dice of the Intimidate skill

Blacksmith-Crafted Equipment


Detail: improves dice of the Spot skill

gearSound Amplifier

Sound Amplifier
Detail: improves dice of the Listen skill

gearMagnifying Glass

Magnifying Glass
Detail: improves dice of the Search skill


Detail: improves dice of the Track skill

gearClimbing Spikes

Climbing Spikes
Detail: improves dice of the Climb skill


Detail: improves dice of the Use Tool skill

gearPocket Knife

Pocket Knife
Detail: improves dice of the Escape skill


Detail: improves dice of the Force skill

Craftscat-Crafted Equipment

gearVaulting Pole

Vaulting Pole
Detail: improves dice of the Jump skill

Scribe-Crafted Equipment

gearWildlife Field Guide

Wildfield Field Guide
Detail: improves dice of the Knowledge of Animals skill

gearBotany Field Guide

Botany Field Guide
Detail: improves dice of the Knowledge of Plants skill

gearMineral Field Guide

Mineral Field Guide
Detail: improves dice of the Knowledge of Geology skill

gearMage's Compendium

Mage’s Compendium
Detail: improves dice of the Knowledge of Magic skill

Special Gear
Items that can be used instead of an ability.


Description: Removes the poisoned condition.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

gearChamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea
Description: Heals 2 dice worth of damage.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

gearAcid Vial

Acid Vial
Description: Deals 3 dice worth of damage.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

gearWintermint Tea

Wintermint Tea
Description: Heals 3 dice worth of damage.
Acquired Through: Crafting (apothecary)

Consumable items that can be used between encounters to restore HP. Currently all snack items can be acquired via crafting with the baker profession.

Snacks that Restore 2 HP
gearDried Meat
gearDried Poultry
gearDried Fish

Dried Meat | Dried Poultry | Dried Fish

Snacks that Restore 4 HP
gearWarm Biscuits
gearBoiled Eggs
gearBuggy Snack Mix

Warm Biscuits | Boiled Eggs | Buggy Snack Mix

Snacks that Restore 8 HP
gearWatermeowlon Candies
gearLicorice Candies
gearStarfruit Candies

Watermeowlon Candies | Licorice Candies | Starfruit Candies
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 13:57:04
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:34
Dice System

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
▶ Section 8: Dice System ◀
Section 9: Putting it All Together
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

So far we have discussed how a cat's stats can increase the number of dice used in adventuring, but we have yet to look at the dice themselves.

During adventuring, all dice rolls will be performed with D6 (or six sided) dice. The type of die you use during a roll depends on
1. if a cat has an item/class perk that improves the die of an adventure stat
2. if a cat uses an ability that improves your die type
3. if there are environment/enemy influences present
4. if you have an item in your inventory that improves die type for a specific skill.

No matter the type of die used, all follow a similar theme of featuring a success, a critical success, and a failure option (exceptions expounded upon below). Each of these options indicate a certain number of points. Roll values are as follows:
Success: 1 point
Critical Success: 2 points
Failure: 0 points
As discussed earlier, different types of relationships can increase the value of a success or critical success. Review Group Harmony information here!

Dice Types
Image credit: Squid
Small versions of heroic, withered, and item dice art by Sharklore

Adventurer Dice Types
The following dice are used by your cats during aspects of adventure such as combat and skills checks. A dice's type can be improved by your cat's class, abilities, or skills.

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alt text requiredExpert Die: An improved version of the skilled die. Consists of two successes, two critical successes, and two failures.
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alt text requiredHeroic Die: An improved version of the expert die and the best die type in the game. Consists of three successes, two critical successes, and one failure.
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alt text requiredReduced Die: A diminished version of the standard die. Consists of one critical success and five failures.
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alt text requiredWithered Die: A diminished version of the reduced die. Consists of five failures and one dire situation success (similar to a critical success but only worth 1 point). During a scenario where reduced die are used, every black/broken heart a cat has in its Group Harmony adventure stat will add +2 points to dire situation success roles.
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Item Dice Types
The following dice are utilized when using an item. There are no failure sides on item dice, meaning items cannot fail while being used. Adventure items can break, however, which is further explained below. Only once dice is ever used with these rolls.

alt text requiredAutomatic Die: The standard die used when using an item. A single automatic die consists of one critical success (represented by three swirls) and five average successes (represented by a single swirl).
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alt text requiredBroken Item Die: Every time you use an adventure item during a skill challenge, there is a 1/6 chance that the item will break. The five blank sides of this die indicate that the item remains intact upon use, whereas the single side with a pattern on it indicate that the item has broken.
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Wait, you said earlier that it's better to have more dice. If most dice have a high number of failure tiles, doesn't that just mean I'm increasing my chance of failing? thonksquint
Imagine for a minute that your die is a normal 6-sided die with a number on each side. Your goal is to roll a 1--no other number matters. With just one die, your chances of rolling a 1 are slim. Add more dice, however, and your chances of rolling at least a single 1 increase. When rolling multiple dice for a skills check, it does not matter how many failures--or to use our analogy, how many numbers other than 1--you roll, so long as you get one success (or one 1). The more dice you add, the more chances you have at succeeding!
-- Last edited on Aug 7, 2022 14:00:23
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:46
Putting it All Together

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
▶ Section 9: Putting it All Together ◀
Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect

We've looked at stats, abilities, items, classes, dice... but how do they all work together? Let's go back to looking at Brook.

"Hello again!"

Let's review Brook's Stats as a refresher.

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When discussing Brook's Stats, we saw that he has 12 Strength, meaning he has a Stat Grade of Average. A Stat Grade of Average gives us 2 dice.

We also saw that a cat's Strength Stat Grade translates into it's Melee Attack Power. We already discussed that an Average Stat Grade equates to 2 dice. If we take a look at the image below, we can see that this cat has 2 standard dice under it's Melee Attack Power.

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We also discussed how the default dice used for a cat's Melee Attack Power are standard dice, which we can see represented by each die having a single yellow/beige dot. This is the symbol for a standard die.

For the sake of example, let's say we want Brook to mostly have Skills that focus on Strength. When discussing Skills, it was mentioned that any Skills the cat has will be performed with an improved dice type. The improved version of a standard die is a skilled die. Let's see what that looks like.

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In this image, I have applied the Skill "Climb" and "Swim". When discussing skills earlier in this guide, we talked about how both Climb and Swim are Strength Skills., meaning they use the same number of dice as this Adventure Stat (two standard dice). As previously mentioned, any Skill applied to a cat is performed with improved die, meaning our usual standard die used for these Skills are now skilled die.

Keep in mind that while selecting a Skill, it will display as being performed with standard die. That is because the Skill has not been applied yet. Once it is applied it's die type will be improved.

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What else can we do to improve our dice? Let's choose a Class.

The Fighter Class has a perk that improves the dice of Melee Attack Power. Let's see what happens to our standard Melee Attack Power die when we make Brook a Fighter.

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Brook's standard die have been upgraded into skilled die, as indicated by the blue plus sign. Some classes can improve dice that have already been improved by a skill--this happens when a class improves a cat's Standard Stat die (for example, a cat's Strength Stat as seen on it's profile) instead of it's Adventure Skill die (for example, Melee Attack Power Adventure Stat as seen on it's adventure profile). Try playing around with your cats and see what Class and Skill combos result in the highest advancement of your die! Hint: there's a possibility that the Scout Class has some very unique die advancement opportunity...

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-- Last edited on Aug 8, 2022 13:42:45
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Not-cat with a beige lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings neutral eyes. Red Cotton MantleLeather Satchel BagRed Cotton HoodWhite Wildflower CrownWhite Butterfly Swarm


Summit of Stars

account age 8/9

Jul 23, 2022 13:12:50
Practice Makes Perfect

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Terminology
Section 3: Understanding Adventure Stats
Section 4: Abilities
Section 5: Skills
Section 6: Classes
Section 7: Items
Section 8: Dice System
Section 9: Putting it All Together
▶ Section 10: Practice Makes Perfect ◀

"I've read the whole guide and gone over 'Putting it All Together' section, but it still seems overwhelming..." squint

The best way to understand something is to put it into practice. You've read the guide and you have the resources--now it's your turn to puzzle out the information for yourself! This section of the guide lets you practice what you've learned and has all the answers for the questions at the bottom of the guide. Read and answer each question one at a time, as a question may include parts from the question before it!

Let's use Chicory as our practice cat. We'll start by taking a look at Chicory's Personality Traits and Standard Stats.

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Wow! Chicory's Agility has a stat grade of Excellent. This leads into our first question.

1. Which Adventure Stat does Agility factor into? (Check out the guide's Adventure Stats section to figure it out!)

Now that we've figured out what Adventure Stat is influenced by Agility, it's time to think about dice.

2. Considering Chicory's Agility has a grade of Excellent, what number of dice will be used in the Adventure Stat influenced by Agility? What type of die will they be? (Hint: check out the Terminology section for the first part of the question, and the Adventure Stat section for the second.)

Now that we've answered these questions, let's take a look at Chicory's Adventure Stats.

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Just by looking at Chicory's Initiative Order I can see that Chicory has a Class applied (assuming there is no other cat in the party)! This leads into our next question.

3. Which Class has a perk resulting in an 150% increase in Initiative Order for all party members? Check the Classes section for more info!

4. Without the 150% increase in Initiative Order, what number would Chicory's Initiative Order be? (Hint: to answer this question, we need to know which Standard Stat influenced a cat's Initiative Order. Back to Adventure Stats!)

We've found out what Chicory's Class is through the power of deductive reasoning. Now let's give them some Skills!

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That's a lot of dice! It looks like three of these Skills use expert die (indicated by the die icon having two red plus signs), but one of them uses skilled die (indicated by the die icon having one blue plus sign). I feel another question coming on...

5. Why are Run, Jump, and Balance performed with expert die, but Intimidate is performed with skilled die? (Hint: remember Chicory's Class? An 150% increase in Initiative is not its only perk. Check out what that classes perks are here, and once you've done that, check out which Stats the Skills of Run, Jump, Balance, and Intimidate are influenced by.)

Phew! Finally, we're all done. Now it's time to-

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Oh no! Chicory is surrounded by enemies! The only possible way to get out of this situation unscathed is to Jump to safety...

6. Quick! Which item improves the die of the Jump Skill when used? Check the Items section of the guide!

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Phew! We rolled a critical success and made it out safe and sound thanks to your quick thinking! Great job.

Answer Key

Question 1: Which Adventure Stat does Agility factor into? (Check out the guide's Adventure Stats section to figure it out!)

Answer 1: Agility factors into Dodge Chance.

Question 2: Considering Chicory's Agility has a grade of Excellent, what number of dice will be used in the Adventure Stat influenced by Agility? What type of die will they be? (Hint: check out the Terminology section for the first part of the question, and the Adventure Stat section for the second.

Answer 2: A state grade of Excellent in Agility lends 5 dice to Dodge Chance. The default die type used for Dodge Chance is reduced die, which are symbolized by a gray die with a single minus sign on it.

Question 3: Which Class has a perk resulting in an 150% increase in Initiative Order for all party members? Check the Classes section for more info!

Answer 3: One of the perks of the Scout Class is an 150% increase in Initiative Order.

Question 4: Without the 150% increase in Initiative Order, what number would Chicory's Initiative Order be? (Hint: to answer this question, we need to know which Standard Stat influenced a cat's Initiative Order. Back to Adventure Stats!)

Answer 4: Initiative Order is the exact number of a cat's Perception Skill. Because Chicory's Perception is 16, their Initiative Order would also be 16 if not for the 150% increase perk from their Scout Class.

Question 5: Why are Run, Jump, and Balance performed with expert die, but Intimidate is performed with skilled die? (Hint: remember Chicory's Class? An 150% increase in Initiative is not its only perk. Check out what that classes perks are here, and once you've done that, check out which Stats the Skills of Run, Jump, Balance, and Intimidate are influenced by.)

Answer 5: Aside from the 150% increase in Initiative Order, the Scout Class also gives the perk of improving the die of all Skills that are not personality-based. Run, Jump, and Balance are all based on the Agility Stat, and as a result they all benefit from improved die. Unlike all of the other Skills featured, Intimidate is personality-based, and as a result it does not get the perk of using an improved die.

Question 6: Quick! Which item improves the die of the Jump Skill when used? Check the Items section of the guide!

Answer 6: Using the Vaulting Pole item improves the dice used for the Jump Skill!

-- Last edited on Aug 8, 2022 13:43:39
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