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TOPIC | dice overflow on prepare to adventure

Not-cat with a ginger broken shorthair coatchoco broken trade markingsbib & boots white markings content eyes. CrossbowLittle Purple Silk Bow RightUnnatural Ruby Pendant



account age 5/9

Jan 9, 2024 20:33:04
Gibolock's card from the prepare to adventure page

Gibolock here has a base melee attack power of 6 dice, so bite gets 8 dice and backstab gets 9. Today my cats had Eggs on Toast for luncheon, so Gibolock gets an extra die for each, bringing them up to 9 and 10 respectively. On her card on the Prepare to Adventure page, the 9th die for each attack is overflowing the box and the 10th die for backstab is missing (possibly hiding behind the tend wounds icon?). She does get her full 10 dice when actually using the backstab skill though (and the 11th if the group has been Called to Arms XD)!

Edit: I forgot to mention that that screen shot was on desktop. I just checked on mobile (firefox on android) and the 9th die for each attack is partially hiding under the icons for Hide and Tend Wounds respectively.
-- Last edited on Jan 9, 2024 21:44:25
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