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TOPIC | letters from cats for sale

Not-cat with a black spotted shorthair coatleft piebald white markings neutral eyes. Purple Wool ScarfLittle Purple Silk Bow LeftRight Watercolor Daisy HeadpieceWatercolor Daisy Petal WhirlWatercolor Daisy Necklace




forum helper

Jul 15, 2022 6:00:40
hello, i have been receiving letters from the cats i have listed on the cat recruiment board, which I am unsure if is intentional or not

and second note: today i got two letters from the same cat to the same cat, which i don't know if it's just rng or if that is also unintentional

two letters from ghost to null
flower1 snowflakes decision glitter flower2

server time +6
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatno white markings neutral eyes. aaaaaaaaaaObsidian SmokeWhite Wildflower CrownBlue Wildflower Necklace


The Not-Village



Jul 15, 2022 8:42:58
Since nothing about letters really requires a cat to be present, I think this is probably okay. Not exploitable in any way and it kind of makes sense for a cat to write home while out looking for a new village.

(The two from the same is just RNG though!)
Cat's End Artist/Developer
Hope all of you are enjoying your cat time!
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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?