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TOPIC | Enemy Behaviour Bug?

Not-cat with a choco clouded longhair coatvan / C9 white markings content eyes. Black Striped Shawl[Custom] Blue Snowblossom SetBlue Bead AnkletsGold Tail RingsGold NecklaceLittle Black Silk Bow LeftLittle Plain Silk Bow RightFloating Emerald ShardsBlue Circle Pendant




account age 7/9

May 8, 2023 17:51:23
I don't know if this is intended enemy behavior, but during a adventuring fight with 1 spider and a supply crate, the spider was able to reach the supply crate and refused to move off it, even after it set up hide, it wouldn't go into melee to use backstab against any of my cats, who were chilling out of range enough that if the spider went to attack it'd move off the supply crate.

Like, I sat there for several turns to see whether the enemy would move or not and it did not. Maybe because my cats were spread out nearby it decided to just wait instead of attack?

I didn't manage to get a screen shot of it sadly before moving on just being annoyed the enemy was denying me my 2exp for my cats. Oops.
+5 Not-Cat Hourssleepy
Not-cat with a black solid shorthair coatno white markings neutral eyes. aaaaaaaaaaObsidian SmokeWhite Wildflower CrownBlue Wildflower Necklace


The Not-Village



May 9, 2023 8:22:07
Wow that was rude of it! The monsters don't know about the crates at all, and I thought it wouldn't be a problem because you can stand on defeated enemies.... forgot about what might happen if the last monster / only monster is standing on it and doesn't want to move.

Spiders particularly have different AI because of the hide skill, they're pretty much always going to sit there and hide unless you're in range, so it's possible other monsters won't be as inclined to camp the crate. (Their AI essentially says "if hiding, backstab. if not hiding, hide. if backstab out of range, hide").

One possible way to get it to move would be to stand adjacent to it. Monsters are coded to circle around cats when using melee attacks, so there's a very good chance (75%) it would have moved from the chest to another adjacent space and you'd then be able to grab the item. Hiding behind trees or re-positioning may have worked for other kinds of monsters, but probably not for the spider because of its love for hiding.

There's no RNG involved in where monsters choose to go when using skills that aren't melee attacks. They exclusively triangulate the tile with the greatest distance from all cats, so if the cats don't move, they won't either. A spider vs spider battle would most certainly stalemate as they stare at each other from across the map forever.
Cat's End Artist/Developer
Hope all of you are enjoying your cat time!
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint longhair coatbeige lynxpoint trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings stern eyes. Dark Left Eye ScarLight Front Leg ScarsDark Tail ScarsGreen Cotton MantleEmerald SmokeDark Horned SkullBest Friend White ChickenLight Right Eye Scar


Dreblr SMP


account age 7/9

May 9, 2023 15:32:46
Also had this issue with a spider, he's currently sitting on my box :(
spider sitting on my supply crate
Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint longhair coatbeige lynxpoint trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings stern eyes. Dark Left Eye ScarLight Front Leg ScarsDark Tail ScarsGreen Cotton MantleEmerald SmokeDark Horned SkullBest Friend White ChickenLight Right Eye Scar


Dreblr SMP


account age 7/9

May 9, 2023 15:34:25
Update: having my cat stand next to him and take a hit did work, however, this was not a great long-term solution since it meant my cats have to take damage/give an enemy a free hit in order to my box.
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatblack lynxpoint trade markingsconfetti white markings content eyes. Exclamation BubbleLight Hunter's ScarfRight Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringRed Bead Anklets[Custom] red-tinted heart glasses


Sunrise Peak


account age 7/9

Jan 6, 2024 14:10:47
this just happened to meweary you can see the outline of the chest, i spent a whole turn to get to the crate only for the enemy to stand on top of itevil
-- Last edited on Jan 6, 2024 14:11:25
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