site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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TOPIC | Attempting to Draw Me Cats

Not-cat with a black spotted shorthair coatnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Square GlassesAroace Streamers BGreen Dianthus Petal Whirl


Roblox potion at 3AM!*GONE WRONG*


account age 6/9

Jun 23, 2023 21:05:23
So, I’ve been struggling for a few minutes to save my not-cat Archie to my photos so I can put him into my art program. All I need are his colors so I can make some art of him and use the correct colors.
I’ve tried so many times already and nothing has worked.
I use Procreate to draw, use Safari to access this website, and am using an Ipad.
Any artists who have created art of their non-kitties, what were your solutions?
Not-cat with a buff classic longhair coatcharc classic trade markingsowl mantle white markings right eyes. [Custom] SP24 - Winter Witch Dress[Custom] SP24 - Winter Witch Hat[Custom] SP24 - Winter Floral Border[Custom] Cute BlushHorned Skull



(no pronouns)

account age 7/9

Jun 23, 2023 21:41:42
theres no way to save the cats atm, what i usually do is take a screenshot and colorpick from there!

def not perfect though teehee
Not-cat with a black spotted shorthair coatnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Square GlassesAroace Streamers BGreen Dianthus Petal Whirl


Roblox potion at 3AM!*GONE WRONG*


account age 6/9

Jun 23, 2023 21:46:40
Oh, that’s unfortunate. I suppose i’ll try to screenshot it like you do.
Thanks for replying!
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatblack lynxpoint trade markingsconfetti white markings content eyes. Exclamation BubbleLight Hunter's ScarfRight Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringRed Bead Anklets[Custom] red-tinted heart glasses


Sunrise Peak


account age 7/9

Jun 23, 2023 22:54:28
rn there's no way to save cats photos directly because of space issues, but it is planned to be implemented someday :)
 gif stamp of a cat typing rapidly on a computer
button with cat head that says custom content
art | comms
ping in replies except on threads i make
 a pixel drawing of heart standing and looking to the side. He is wearing the Valehtine Lovebug Set
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