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TOPIC | Adventuring - Cannot progress

Not-cat with a cream mink longhair coatalmond mink trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings content eyes. Woven Grass Crown




account age 6/9

Jun 25, 2023 6:50:16
A screenshot of actions during adventuring. It says that a choice has already been made when the options to choose to progress still haven't been selected.

I accidentally clicked the same option twice quickly, and now every time I try and click an option it gives me the same "a choice has already been made" message without actually rolling for that option and progressing. I can't reset the adventure from this screen so will I just be unable to do any more adventures?

Edit: I fixed it by navigating away from Adventuring to a different page in the site, and navigating back to it. I can continue my adventure now tea
-- Last edited on Jun 25, 2023 6:55:20
transcat | Server time: +5 |prideflag

The aromantic flag with the words “aromantic pride” over it”A black banner with a rainbow infinity symbol and the text “plural & autistic!”
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