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TOPIC | Rally/CtA Effect Stays if Cat Does Nothing

Not-cat with a almond lynxpoint longhair coatbeige lynxpoint trade markingsfreckled piebald / C8 white markings stern eyes. Dark Left Eye ScarLight Front Leg ScarsDark Tail ScarsGreen Cotton MantleEmerald SmokeDark Horned SkullBest Friend White ChickenLight Right Eye Scar


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Jun 28, 2023 16:06:25
Hello, I couldn't find a thread for this previously, so I've started a new one. My friend noticed that if they use Rally on cats with their Bard, and then next turn have the bard "do nothing", the rally effect doesn't vanish and instead remains on the cats allowing for infinite rallying as long as the bard takes no actions.

After some testing, it appears to also apply to the "Call to Acton" option for scouts. The effect with remain in place as long as the cat that applied to doesn't take action. Other cats can still attack/take actions, it's only the effect applier that can't take action. Unsure if other abilities are effected by this.
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