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TOPIC | anyone here like snails?

Not-cat with a choco cloudpoint longhair coatginger cloudpoint trade markingsno white markings right eyes. Dark Back Scars[Custom] Dark Snaily Snail CostumeViolet CrownViolet Tail CorsageTan Snail on HeadEmber Snail on Leg




account age 7/9

Jul 3, 2023 19:55:41
i like snails a lot snail
did you know that most garden snails have shells that curl to the right, and the rare ones with shells that curl to the left are called snail kings? snailglitter
snails also have thousands of teeth!! cheer
there is a type of purple sea snail called janthina janthina that lives on the surface of the ocean, floating upside down on a bubble raft that it makes! purpleheart

feel free to share your own fun snail facts!
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatblack lynxpoint trade markingsconfetti white markings content eyes. Exclamation BubbleLight Hunter's ScarfRight Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringRed Bead Anklets[Custom] red-tinted heart glasses


Sunrise Peak


account age 7/9

Jul 3, 2023 20:10:41

i don't have any interesting facts about them... i just think they're neatuwu
 gif stamp of a cat typing rapidly on a computer
button with cat head that says custom content
art | comms
ping in replies except on threads i make
 fashion week badge showing a cat in the spotlight
Not-cat with a almond broken shorthair coatbib & boots white markings uwu eyes. Sunflower Petal Whirl




account age 6/9

Jul 4, 2023 3:49:02
o: aaa thesefacts r so cute, thanks for making me smile
Not-cat with a tan classic shorthair coatghost white markings uwu eyes. Falling Spring Leaves




account age 6/9

Jul 4, 2023 4:36:07
Ah!! Yes !! I love them so much !! When I was younger, my dad made me a snail catcher!! We had lots of them in the trees around my house !! I would collect them and leave them in a box outside, and every morning they'd be gone !! and then I'd catch them all again !! They're so special to me I really love them, little friends !!
Not-cat with a smoke mink longhair coatalmond mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings squint eyes. Right Snowdrop HeadpieceDried Grass ScarfBrown Hunter's Tail CozyGreen Dianthus Tail CorsageBest Friend Grey Mini-Pig


Not-Village 2: Electric Boogaloo


account age 6/9

Jul 4, 2023 9:57:36
snails!! when i was little i used to rescue them off the sidewalk so people wouldn't step on them and i guess i decided i was their sworn protector because i fixated on those little guys all summer! i had a cooler with leaves in it for all my little friends to hang out in until they left snailsnailsnail
howdy-ho! pls ping when replying ^^
current waking hours ~ oh gosh oh fudge (PCE-12???)
sometimes 'bad' grammar, info on profile
comms soon maybe :3c
Not-cat with a choco cloudpoint longhair coatginger cloudpoint trade markingsno white markings right eyes. Dark Back Scars[Custom] Dark Snaily Snail CostumeViolet CrownViolet Tail CorsageTan Snail on HeadEmber Snail on Leg




account age 7/9

Jul 6, 2023 20:46:11
more snail facts!! snailcheer

gastropods (snails and slugs!) make up 80% of all the classified species of molluscs!!! snailsquid and molluscs are the group of animals that has the second-largest number of living species, second only to arthropods!

species of snails with very small shells that are too small for them to hide in are called semi-slugs! leafhat

there are many groups of slug species that are not actually very closely related to each other! thonkeyes this is because slugs evolved multiple different times from different types of snails! cheer
Not-cat with a charc spotted longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings content eyes. White Wildflower NecklaceLightwood Bark LeggingsLight Back Scars




account age 6/9

Jul 7, 2023 15:16:03
oh wow eyes!!! i didnt know a good few of these!!! im a big fan of entomology and arachnology, but i do really love annelids and gastropods a lot!!!! i dont have any snail facts myself but this thread is so interesting!!!! cheercheer snails are so cool snailsnailsnailsnail
Not-cat with a smoke mink longhair coatalmond mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings squint eyes. Right Snowdrop HeadpieceDried Grass ScarfBrown Hunter's Tail CozyGreen Dianthus Tail CorsageBest Friend Grey Mini-Pig


Not-Village 2: Electric Boogaloo


account age 6/9

Jul 7, 2023 21:09:25
snail fact: snails and slugs are really really cute!

someone pls politely tell slug near my front door stop eating my hens-and-chicks tho snailflower1
howdy-ho! pls ping when replying ^^
current waking hours ~ oh gosh oh fudge (PCE-12???)
sometimes 'bad' grammar, info on profile
comms soon maybe :3c
Not-cat with a ginger classic longhair coatchoco classic trade markingsbib & boots white markings squint eyes. Uncut Quartz Anklets




account age 7/9

Jul 8, 2023 17:58:03
When in doubt, fire snail
a large read and black snail crawling on a hand.
Not-cat with a charc cloudpoint longhair coatbuff cloudpoint trade markingsbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings neutral eyes. Gold Feather PendantsCrown of CatmintLightwood Log Cutting PendantGold Feather TailpieceCalico Isopod Buddies



(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

Jul 8, 2023 18:27:26
Chevrine said
someone pls politely tell slug near my front door stop eating my hens-and-chicks tho snailflower1

Huge mood hahaha. I constantly have to go around my vegetable garden (usually with a combination of leaf and stick, or whatever else I can find to manipulate them without touching them directly with my big oily salty monkey hands) gently scooping dozens of snails and slugs off of my plants and quietly admonishing them as I walk them over the stream and out into the woods in the hopes that they don't come back lmao.

They're infuriating little pests from a gardening standpoint, but just from a creature standpoint they're some of my favorite animals of all time. Just funky little lads living their funky little slow lives,,, I just wish they could understand that my zucchini is Not Theirs eyebrows
-- Last edited on Jul 8, 2023 18:28:02
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