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TOPIC | Star Trek~

Not-cat with a black rosette longhair coatchoco rosette trade markingsno white markings danger eyes. Bi ScarfFloating Silver ShardsRound SunglassesUncut Ruby Crown




account age 8/9

May 20, 2022 23:32:30
So we're kinda in a golden age of Star Trek again; five, five new series running currently or about to be running again...

And of course the old stuff; TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and the numerous movies.

So who else follows anything Star Trek related, and if so, what's your favorite show?

(Also bonus question; why is Strange New Worlds the best thing?)
Not-cat with a aprico mink longhair coatsnow mink trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings stern eyes. Rainbow ConfettiWatercolor Daisy CrownAqua Snail on BackAqua Snail on Leg




account age 8/9

Jul 9, 2022 16:27:43
I've immensely enjoyed season 2 of Star Trek Picard and am a big fan of The Lower Decks, in addition to loving TNG and VOY (I re-watch Voyager completely once in a while because I love the characters so much).

Honestly with Picard and Lower Decks referencing so much of the old series, I can't not love those shows. feels
prideflag Rivellonpridecat
+6h PCE Time
Not-cat with a black mackerel longhair coatchoco mackerel trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings squint eyes. Dark Hunter's Tail CozyYellow Wildflower Crown



(any pronouns)

account age 8/9

Jul 10, 2022 13:23:50
i have enjoyed snw a lot more than i thought i would... pike was not really my fav in discovery lol but i like him a lot more now. voyager will always be my ultimate fav, though... closely followed by tng and ds9 hehe. of course i loved picard as well... data AND q AND patrick stewart? heck yeah
Not-cat with a red mink shorthair coatbib & boots white markings content eyes. Woven Grass ScarfDandelion Garland


Lavender Fields


account age 8/9

Jul 11, 2022 4:19:47
I grew up watching NG and later watched all of DS9. I have seen and loved the new movies but I must admit I don't watch any of the new series (mostly because I don't watch any series at all anymore).

I can super recommend the documentation on DS9 "What we left behind" if you're interested in that kind of stuff. It goes deep into detail about the decisions the show made and how it was different from most series at the time.
Not-cat with a almond mackerel shorthair coatno white markings neutral eyes.




account age 8/9

Jul 11, 2022 11:56:23
i LOVE star trek. got into it somewhat late though, n i only watch some of the series w my father so its going slow... we just started voyager last night!
Jeg vet ikke alt
Vet bare alt det jeg ikke vet, vet ikke dere noe bedre, vi 'Γ¦kke alene
Not-cat with a black rosette longhair coatchoco rosette trade markingsno white markings danger eyes. Bi ScarfFloating Silver ShardsRound SunglassesUncut Ruby Crown




account age 8/9

Jul 12, 2022 23:40:27
Rivellon said

Honestly with Picard and Lower Decks referencing so much of the old series, I can't not love those shows. feels

Between Picard being in his namesake series, Janeway showing up in Prodigy, the TOS-era stuff in Strange New Worlds...I'm waiting for the day bridges can be repaired between Avery Brooks and Star Trek. I'd love to see something more with anyone from the DS9 group.

corvid said
i have enjoyed snw a lot more than i thought i would... pike was not really my fav in discovery lol but i like him a lot more now. voyager will always be my ultimate fav, though... closely followed by tng and ds9 hehe. of course i loved picard as well... data AND q AND patrick stewart? heck yeah

I enjoyed Pike in Discovery, and I've liked Discovery overall, but it's...kind of emotionally intense? Like, I get through a few episodes and I need to stop for a bit.

Strange New Worlds has just been so refreshing and chill and I love it for that.

grue said
i LOVE star trek. got into it somewhat late though, n i only watch some of the series w my father so its going slow... we just started voyager last night!

Voyager is one of the cozier series for me. I know some people criticize it for not being a bit more dire given their circumstances, but we'd just had one fairly harrowing set of final acts with DS9; i can get why Voyager wanted to be a bit more laid back.
Not-cat with a choco broken longhair coatno white markings left eyes. White-Flowered Vine CrownLight Orange Pumpkit Buddy




account age 8/9

Jul 14, 2022 15:33:46
Deep Space Nine is my favorite by far. I haven't watched Strange New Worlds or Picard yet, but over the last couple years I've watched TOS, The animated series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Prodigy, Lower Decks and Discovery.

My favorite thing about Star Trek is just following the lives and friendships between the "bridge crew" characters, which is probably what lead to DS9 being my favorite, everyone's got such a unique personality that you can enjoy an episode heavily featuring any choice of the characters.
Not-cat with a choco classic shorthair coatbrown classic trade markingslocket & toes white markings content eyes. Tasty StickLight Front Leg ScarsLight Ear ScarsHeart BubbleRuby Cloud of HeartsRight Dark Fantail Pigeon Friend




account age 6/9

Jun 24, 2023 20:20:06
super late to this thread but the original series is the only star trek i've ever really been able to get into... i did try watching discovery when it first started airing, but a particular storyline really upset me and i just sort of forgot about it after a while. i've seen some of the movies too and liked those to varying degrees though!

the TOS trio of kirk, spock and bones are really dear to me - kirk really helped inspire the kind of person i want to be, and spock made me feel less alone in being the kind of person i am sometimes ;v;
Wilds Collective
sun happylaughing | sunglassesscreaming traderune
they/it collective pronouns
Not-cat with a black cloudpoint longhair coatchoco cloudpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings danger eyes. Light Right Eye ScarLight Left Eye ScarLight Front Leg ScarsGreen Fantail Pigeon CouncilFallen Grass BackpackRound Violet-Tinted GlassesGreen Floral Tail WrapTasty Catmint


Raising Cane's


account age 6/9

Jun 24, 2023 22:09:36
is the new show any good? i didn't even hear about it until really recently, i've always been a ToS guy and i just started warming up to TnG
harvey βΈ™ he/it βΈ™ crypt keeper

𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž 𓆝


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Not-cat with a orange broken shorthair coataprico broken trade markingsnose white markings neutral eyes. Woven Grass ScarfBlue Dragonflies


U.S.S. Enterprise


account age 6/9

Jun 25, 2023 18:09:46
i'm more of a tos/tng/ds9 kinda fellow. i couldn't warm up to the newer star trek series, personally -- including snw or picard (though there are some amusing gifs going around about it) or the 2009 movies with chris pine etc.

something about tos is just so charming to me aesthetically.. all those buttons and practical effects! love to see it. i could talk about it for ages. feels
stanley β€” pce +7 β€” pings & friend rqs ok! a waving emoji with blushy cheeks.
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