site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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DrWorm's Friends

Not-cat with a snow lynxpoint longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings sad eyes. Rainy Hearts Petal WhirlLesbian StreamersAroace Scarf BAmethyst Geode CrownRight Blue Fantail Pigeon FriendBlue Shooting Star[Custom] Crow Flock
Not-cat with a almond broken longhair coatno white markings content eyes. Bi ScarfSilver PizzazzDark Skeletal BeadsSilver Tiara
Not-cat with a charc lynxpoint shorthair coatgrey lynxpoint trade markingslocket white markings sleepy eyes. Imaginary RainSummer Leaf CloakDark Hunter's BootsWatercolor Daisy Tail CorsageQuestion BubbleUncut Diamond NecklaceCatmint GarlandUncut Diamond PendantsSweet Cat-tato HornsLeft Watercolor Daisy HeadpieceRight Watercolor Daisy Headpiece
Cozy Pine Village
Not-cat with a choco spotted shorthair coatginger spotted trade markingsno white markings sleepy eyes. Bundle of SticksOrange Hunter's ScarfOrange Sunflower NecklaceOrange Hunter's HatOrange Sunflower CrownLight Orange Pumpkit on HeadOrange Sunflower Tail CorsageGold Worm Buddies

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