site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is windy
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a silver lynxpoint longhair coatsnow lynxpoint trade markingsno white markings uwu eyes. Tasty Yellow Wildflower[Custom] VerdanceYellow-Flowered Vine CrownYellow DragonfliesYellow Butterfly on Head




account age 7/9

User ID: 5436

Join Date: 2023-02-17

Birthday: October 7

Village Profile
pce +0

Hi, I'm Night! Monday to Friday I'm normally at school, and probably won't be active until around 15:00, but if I take a couple of days to respond to something feel free to poke me. I enjoy drawing and writing sometimes :)

Currently selling many cats
Lore thread!!

DMs pings sale enquiries

Over the hills and near a small but peaceful creek, surrounded by thick foliage indicative of the nearby Tigerlily Meadows, an old shrine resides. Surrounding that shrine is a large clearing, and in that clearing is Zenith.

The idea for the village was vague at first, a far-off concept that the Founders didn't really think would go anywhere. But now, with a number of houses and a joyful community of residents, and the threads of a whole other dimension weaved into the very ground on which the not-cats lived, it's clear that this idea had spun into something entirely different - but perfect all the same.

two letters, one opened, and one stamped closed with red wax. text above it reads "penpal club!"

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Hi Bing. This is very important: Can you write in uwu speak?