site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a orange clouded longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings stern eyes. Blue Wildflower CrownPlain Cotton MantleBlue Geometric ShawlForget-me-not Petal WhirlBlue Bead NecklacePlain Cotton SocksBlue Bead AnkletsLight Fantail Pigeon on BackTasty ThymeRound GlassesBlue Geometric ScarfBlue Wildflower Necklace


Mystic Winds

(any pronouns)

account age 6/9

User ID: 9117

Join Date: 2023-06-23

Birthday: July 14

Village Profile
Priincy/Creature | 17 | Any Pronouns | PCE-4

currently semi-inactive due to school

wont be responding to messages, sorry!




"bro those aren't regular cats I swear, I saw one using a fork"

Naming lore(again wip layout)
Foundation: The secondary word in one's name, has a deep connection to one's self.
  • Foundation words are almost always unique to a cat, and one cannot be given a foundation already given to a cat unless said cat leaves to the city(thus relinquishing their "foundation," typically not seen as a bad thing unless banished)
    In rare instances, cats may go through a process and also be given the same foundation name as an older relative/mentor to show their respect and connection to them.

Descriptive: The first word in one's name, used to describe their foundation word.
  • Descriptive words can be given to multiple different cats, and a cat is free to change their descriptive as they age to better fit them.



Solid Red noncat
White Lily clothing
Bead necklaces
More Peppa's Patterend Fabric clothes
Light Musical Atmosphere
snowmelt items (flower clothing)
Cotton clothing (socks, mantles, hoods)

alt text requiredhttps://i.ibb.co/8095NGC/D3b882f1-64a0-4f6b-a572-b423b2bde9f0-5.png

alt text required

Dancing Dinosaur Puppets say: "Remember to drink water and deshrimpify"

Not-cat with a silver lynxpoint longhair coatbeige lynxpoint trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings right eyes. [Custom] Dipped in InkBlack Silk Bowtie

Feb 24, 2024 16:15:03
hello! i saw your obsidian cloud of hearts on the om, are you taking trades for it at all or just notes? ^-^
Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Green Heartfruit on HeadGreen Dianthus Petal WhirlPink Butterfly SwarmPlain Wool ScarfRound GlassesPlain Silk Tail Bow

Dec 25, 2023 0:09:03
Haha, you're good! I hope you enjoy the gift. Have a lovely holiday season as well! feels
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatblack lynxpoint trade markingsconfetti white markings content eyes. Exclamation BubbleLight Hunter's ScarfRight Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringRed Bead Anklets[Custom] red-tinted heart glasses

Dec 24, 2023 12:59:34
thank you for the secret santa gift!!cheerhug
Not-cat with a orange clouded longhair coatpiebald / C6 white markings stern eyes. Blue Wildflower CrownPlain Cotton MantleBlue Geometric ShawlForget-me-not Petal WhirlBlue Bead NecklacePlain Cotton SocksBlue Bead AnkletsLight Fantail Pigeon on BackTasty ThymeRound GlassesBlue Geometric ScarfBlue Wildflower Necklace
(any pronouns)

Jul 16, 2023 21:43:17
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