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pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a ginger rosette shorthair coatchoco rosette trade markingsbib & boots white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] Adora Lashes[Custom] Heirloom Neckwear[Custom] Heirloom Armband[Custom] Heirloom Ear Piece[Custom] Heirloom Tailband[Custom] Heirloom Bell



account age 6/9

User ID: 12714

Join Date: 2023-08-12

Birthday: unlisted

Village Profile
You embarked on a very long journey, far away from your village, to gather resources to suffice you and your loved ones. You push your weary legs further until you've found a safe place to rest till the sun rises, making a hassling effort to not let your drowsiness take you to a deep slumber in the midst of a forest where monsters lay.

The narrow trees seem to grow thinner, leaves disappearing the more you go. You start to become cautious of the path ahead, but you cannot turn back as that would mean more pressure on your legs. You felt relief calm your body as soon as you saw a lamp shining a welcome board for a village…

"Carnage", a weird name for a village, you thought.

Without minding further of the scary sounding name, you stepped into their village hoping they'll lend you a place to stay for the night.

The village's scenery took your breath away, decorations shone under the moon's light, sights so mesmerizing it drained away your drowsiness. It isn't too crowded and not too eerily quiet here. You're met with a warm welcome from Sorken, followed by a few others.

"This village is quite lonely, but not as lonely as the forest before you. Its absence from loud activity may greatly benefit tired travelers like you. If you're lucky enough, you get to experience something magnificent as soon as the moon stops in the right place. We hope you cherish each and every second of your time here, as you won't stay long."
Sorken's tail signals you to follow them.

As they take you on a tour, you can't help but feel sympathy for a few of them. There's something mysterious and saddening about them, they must've gone through alot back on Earth. One particular cat named Prickled caught your attention the most, their head covered in a light barkwood bucket itches your curiosity, but a dark color oozing down from that bucket stops you from questioning.

Dark gray and blueish monotone colors of the village made visible by the bright decorations are enough to tell you of the cats' residing here. You felt creeped out by how out of touch the colors seem, the cats' pelts are washed out like the environment. Some of the residents looked at you in awe for your bright pelts, Sorken reminds you that travelers rarely come by as they avoid the path leading here and to ignore them if they make you uneasy.

Sorken tells you about the village and the cats tied to it, the secrets within the center of this village, and their strong connection to the moon. The more she tells you of this village, the more you want to know about it. You're shown a cozy cave you could sleep in, you forgot you were here for a rest. You wanted to explore more and know more about Carnage but Sorken just bid goodnight to you and left.

A slow jazz emerged from afar, a tune so peaceful your curiosity doesn't keep you awake anymore. Your eyelids gets heavier, your body became lighter, and you're appreciating the melody as you slowly fall asleep.

Your eyes opened, alerted by the sounds of birds chirping, your fur sits warm under the morning light that penetrated the cave. You walked out to meet Sorken again, but the village is no longer there. All that's in front of you is the resources you've been looking for.

Nov 3, 2023 10:17:06
At this point Hansel will have more rivals than friends and partners combined. I can feel it
Not-cat with a red classic longhair coatlocket & toes white markings content eyes. Blue Glittersilk Leg SilksBlue Glittersilk Tail SilksBlue Glittersilk Scarf[Custom] Nestorshade VeilPink Wildflower Necklace
(no pronouns)

Nov 3, 2023 8:13:47
Hansel looking like someone who'd bully other not-cats and act like "oH bUt ThEy StArtED it rage"
Oct 31, 2023 5:30:29
combusting into flames in carnage is not allowed user aquilaer. dip yourself in the lake now
Not-cat with a red classic longhair coatlocket & toes white markings content eyes. Blue Glittersilk Leg SilksBlue Glittersilk Tail SilksBlue Glittersilk Scarf[Custom] Nestorshade VeilPink Wildflower Necklace
(no pronouns)

Oct 31, 2023 4:24:46
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