site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is snow
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

You's Scenery

Not-cat with a choco broken shorthair coatbrown broken trade markingsnose & toes white markings neutral eyes. Stick CrownPlain Wool ScarfKnifeLight Feather Tailpiece
Not-cat with a black broken shorthair coatno white markings left eyes. Aro ScarfRound Green-Tinted GlassesGreen Dianthus CrownBeetlesGreen Dianthus Petal Whirl
Not-cat with a red mackerel longhair coatbib, boots, & belly / C4 white markings left eyes. Worn Iron ArmorLightwood Bark Shield[Custom] Azure Mistclouds[Custom] Teal Striped ScarfRapier
Giant White Butterfly
Clay Green Dianthus Pot
Orange Fur Rug
Ascended Cat Portrait Painting
Single Green Dianthus
Single Green Dianthus
Small Rocks
Pair of Green Dragonflies
Cotton Plant
Cotton Plant
Patch of Cat-tatoes
Mixed Herbs Garland
Mixed Herbs Garland
Patch of Broccatli
Broccatli Plant
Heart of the Woods Map
Grey Geometric Bed Throw
Basket of Rice
Small Plain Pillows
Tiny Dried Baskets
Sunny City Painting
Small Plain Moose Plushie
Small Plain Pillows
Grey Geometric Table Linens
Tiny Red Pot
Cheese Wheels
Scattered Stones
Cobblestone Garden
Large Autumn Cottage
Apothecary's Workstation
forest scene in snow weather in winter
Semblance | Scene #39000

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Lynessa, Peach, Fir

Decor in Scene: Giant White Butterfly #768, Clay Green Dianthus Pot #846, Orange Fur Rug #231, Ascended Cat Portrait Painting #2280, Single Green Dianthus #843, Single Green Dianthus #843, Small Rocks #568, Pair of Green Dragonflies #792, Cotton Plant #962, Cotton Plant #962, Patch of Cat-tatoes #977, Mixed Herbs Garland #955, Mixed Herbs Garland #955, Patch of Broccatli #972, Broccatli Plant #971, Heart of the Woods Map #2880, Grey Geometric Bed Throw #2371, Basket of Rice #968, Small Plain Pillows #1382, Tiny Dried Baskets #353, Sunny City Painting #1995, Small Plain Moose Plushie #1385, Small Plain Pillows #1382, Grey Geometric Table Linens #2340, Tiny Red Pot #2018, Cheese Wheels #1072, Scattered Stones #2665

Buildings in Scene: Cobblestone Garden #1171, Large Autumn Cottage #1166, Apothecary's Workstation #1926

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