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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a ginger mackerel shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings content eyes.
Popcorn šŸæ
South Wind [it/he]
Gentle Personality
Undiscovered Aspect

Physical Traits
Basic Data:
Winter 11, Year 5
Adult (3 Years)
Migrated from Earth
ID Code:
8 lbs. / 3.63 kg
Ginger Standard
White Marks:
Locket & Toes / C2
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
[ C ] [ OS ] [ SS ] [ BOFF3 ] [ NYTT ] [ NY2C ] [ CA ] [ RR ]
Personality Traits
Gentle Personality:
Held Trinket:
Attributes and Occupations
Day Job: Herbalist (+1 Skill)
Hunter Level 1 [10/140 EXP]
Bug Catcher Level 1 [50/140 EXP]
Herbalist Level 1 [50/140 EXP]
Scribe Level 3 [400/560 EXP]
Artist Level 1 [80/140 EXP]
Blacksmith Level 1 [40/140 EXP]
Adventuring Class: Unassigned










Very Good



































Very Good


























Puddle - Best Friend
Calla - Friend
Pearl - Friend
Willow - Friend
hyacinth - Friend
Baran - Friend
Kim - Friend
Brave - Friend
Lalaith - Friend
Dusty Peak - Friend
Neville - Friend
Rocky - Friend
Tarragon - Rival

Hi! I'm Popcorn, the travelling cat! At least, I'm Popcorn #1, the travelling cat. If a new Popcorn needs to come to the universe, I hope that Popcorn #2, #3, so on so forth carries out my legacy.

My goal is to make as many friends, rivals, and partners as possible! I'm so excited to come to your village to visit!

I'm very very sociable, so I'm perfect for this little experiment!


1. Keep my name! My name is very important so that way people recognize me!
2. Feel free to change my pronouns to however your village sees fit! I am gender fluid and I am happy no matter what I am called.
3. Please pass me around to the next person when it's time!
4. If you can no longer take care of me, please pass me to the next person or send back to @Crabcake
5. Please keep this bio!

Popcorn anecdotes (collaborative Popcorn lore section!! Feel free to write here some stories about how Popcorn interacted with other cats in your village, or whatever you'd like to contribute to the larger Popcorn Lore!!):

- during its time at the Lesbian Princedom, Popcorn became very involved with the village drama. It speculated about Nastya, and even helped in spreading rumors about Carmilla...
But despite it all, Popcorn has also made a new friend, Brave! Sadly the two didn't get any closer, but Popcorn has written about Brave in its journal, so it is sure to remember him for years to come!!
If there's one regret Popcorn has though, is that despite trying hard to get along with him, Popcorn never managed to become friends with Gunpowder... Well, there's always next time!!
(Also couldn't figure out how to get that into the lore but Popcorn got sent sand in the mail once. From a cat that said they were hiking up a mountain no less...)

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feel free to remove if the picture is causing issues
While the village of Lumbricina welcomed me with open arms, even giving me clothes so I didnā€™t feel too underdressed during my stay, it appears that they are not used to new travellers. Everyone here is so close-knit, so it almost felt like I was intruding. It wasnā€™t too bad though! I got in a couple of snowball fights, and vandalised a sand doodle of Destiny to make it more silly, but overall I kept to myself. At the post office, I surprisingly got a letter from Kai and Piperita, who both seemed to appreciate the sea (I even got some daisies, which were the perfect flowers to book press within my journal, thanks Kai!) I also received a strange letter from the neighbours, but Acacia, the mail carrier, told me that I should probably throw it out instead. Apparently they get a lot of spamā€¦ As I was returning my attire, the townā€™s best scribe, Pearl, approached me. He wordlessly gave me a friendly letter, and we became friends!
I'm glad that I was able to make a lasting friend, even if it was on my last day, but hopefully I have better luck in the next village!

12.12.23 Lockholm Sanctuary: The Third Location
I arrived at Lockholm Sanctuary during right after Luncheon. They'd saved me some food, apparently explained my situation to everyone, and gotten me a room key at the local inn.
In the last two weeks, I've been an Artist and a Scribe. I like doing things with my paws. Basden, the mayor and one of the founders, along with xyr partner, Willow, asked what I'd prefer to do.
"We need more not-cats in the mines," he mused, "Or working with the furnaces. But I don't want to force you to be a miner or a mason.
"Mr. Mayor," I piped up, "Could I try blacksmithing?"
I was staring at the gleaming forge, watching two not-cats sparring in front of it with, one swinging a gleaming sword of silver, the other with a worn knife in her teeth.
He looked in the direction I was looking and nodded slowly. "Sure. That one with the sword is Glory, talk to them about working at the forge."
As I went closer, I could hear what Glory shouting things about Adventuring and the craftsmanship of her sword as they danced around in the dust gracefully, avoiding getting hit as their companion lunged at them, pouncing and striking with the knife in their teeth.
"Hey!" They grinned, waving with their free paw when they noticed me out of the corner of their eye.
"Hello. I'm Popcorn. I uh-- I don't mind using any pronouns to refer to me, but I'm currently preferring he/it/they."
"Nice to meet you!" Glory said cheerfully, thrusting her sword in a halfhearted stab. "I'm Glory, they/them, and I run this establishment. I'm an adventurer, and normally prefer to be fighting or designing clothes with Jess, but I have a certain affinity for--"
The other cat sprang at them suddenly, knocking them onto their back and digging her knife deep into Glory's armor.
"YES! I WON!" She shouted, prancing around in a circle happily. When she finished, she stuck her paw out to me and said brightly, "Hello! I'm Jess! I use she/her pronouns, and I'm the scout of our adventuring party, but I'm pretty handy with this knife, don't ya think?" She smiled at Popcorn, trying to deftly slide the knife out, but it was wedged into the armor so well she couldn't get it out.
"It certainly seems... stuck," I offered, as Glory slipped off their armor.
"Indeed it is," they said. "You've nearly stabbed through the wood, Jess! Must you always destroy the training armor?"
She shrugged. "You'll find a way to get it out. At least we're not down the knife."
Glory rolled her eyes, smiling. "So, Popcorn, what can I do for you?"
Suddenly nervous, I said, "Well, I was wondering... I don't have any experience, but could I try working at your forge?"
Willowā€™s OOC Note: Sending this lil guy to the next village. It just occurred to me I couldā€™ve given him a better job bonus if Iā€™d given him a trinket. Oh well.

I spent my Snowmelt in The Grove, where I collected crickets and flowers for our luncheons. Rocky left me a bouquet of lilies as a welcoming gift, and we ended up talking together for a bit while doing our day jobs. Rocky and I took a shared interest in pretty rocks, and we ended up becoming friends! When it got dark out on my first night here, the village held a dance around a bonfire, and we showered each other with flowers. I got to try some interesting foods; who would've thought cat-tatoes and crickets would go good together? I had lots of fun, and I even found a springshrew! When I left for the next village, Rocky gave me a postcard to remember our time together (which I tucked safely in my journal), and wished me safe travels and a happy Snowmelt.

1 / 07 / 09
I left for Linaewen Eden today, and got there early this evening. As I approached, I saw several of its residents waiting outside it, calling out something that Iā€™m pretty sure was a greeting, but the language they spoke was one I didnā€™t recognize. I went ahead and introduced myself anyway, and found to my relief that they could speak at least some Not-Meow; Baran (who was in the welcoming party, and is fully fluent in both Not-Meow and the language everybody else here speaks among themselves) even offered to translate for me while Iā€™m here. I accepted Baranā€™s offer, and Baran & the rest of the welcoming party brought me to the cottage they set up for me during the Snowmelt festivities.
On the way there, Baran commented that I was lucky the locals had been expecting me; they hadnā€™t expected Baran to join them last fall, and wouldā€™ve probably kicked Baran out if Cadhros (a friend and traveling partner whose arrival the other locals had been expecting) hadnā€™t put in a good word for Baran.
Once we all got to the cottage, Neldor (the mayor and head of the welcoming party) asked me if I needed anything, saying there was still some fish left over from luncheon. I declined Neldorā€™s offer, since Iā€™d eaten before leaving the Grove, and Neldor, Baran, & the others in the welcoming party wished me a good night before they left for other parts of the village.
At least some things (like luncheon) are still a bit familiar around here
The cottage itself doesnā€™t have much furniture in it, but itā€™s warm and well-built, and the basket of starfruit the builders left as a welcoming gift hasnā€™t gone to waste.
Notes to self:
  • find out more about Linaewen Edenā€™s primary language
  • ask about Baran and Neldorā€™s pronouns (as well as those of the other locals, since no one hereā€™s said anything about what ones they prefer)
  • thank whoever left that basket of starfruit for me
1 / 08 / 09
Linaewen Eden is so much stranger than I expected it to be, even after accounting for things like the language barrier.
For example:
  1. At luncheon today (they served fish sticks this time, which were amazing), I finally asked Baran what his preferred pronouns were, but he literally just laughed at the question! (That was just because it surprised him, though; he told me a bit later that he hasnā€™t had anyone ask him that since before he got here.)
    After my surprise and indignation - you canā€™t just assume stuff like that! I remember thinking - passed, I asked Baran if itā€™s because Sindarin (the language everyone else speaks here) doesnā€™t have gendered pronouns. After all, not every dialect of Not-Meow has the six sets of gendered pronouns that the Gardenhome dialect has, and a few of them (allegedly) only have one.
    But Baran said that wasnā€™t the reason. Sindarin actually has three gendered pronouns (six if you include plurals), but:
    • the plurals (hyn ā€œthey [masculine]ā€, hin ā€œthey [feminine]ā€, hain ā€œthey [neuter inanimate]ā€) are only used for groups
    • han (meaning ā€œitā€) and hain are considered highly insulting when used for sentient beings
    • the other two singulars (hon ā€œheā€, hen ā€œsheā€) arenā€™t treated as descriptors that someone can choose for themselves
    ā€¦I guess Baran mustā€™ve noticed my confusion at that last point, because he added a bit later that masculine and feminine pronouns are assigned based on certain anatomical differences (other than Wind) that almost any other not-cat Iā€™ve met wouldnā€™t pay any attention to unless they were actively looking for a partner.
    Nestorā€™s coat, just how backward is everybody? ā† I almost said this out loud, but Baran answered my initial question before I had the chance to, saying that masculine pronouns (he / him, hon, etc.) would apply to him.
    ā€¦so thatā€™s that, I guess. I canā€™t say I like the idea of the locals just picking a set of pronouns to use for me without asking first, but as backward as that may be, thatā€™s still how they operate around here (so I need to adapt to that for now if I want this stay to go well).
  2. After luncheon, most of the locals (not just the two little ones) headed to the villageā€™s schoolhouse rather than to their workstations or out to the forest. I asked Baran why so many of the adult locals were still going to school, and he told me that they arenā€™t actually adults yet (by their own standards) before saying I technically wasnā€™t an adult to them either. I tried to point out that I just had my second birthday last winter, but Baran told me that the locals still view any not-cat thatā€™s younger than sixteen seasons old as a child before suggesting we go join the others. Iā€™ll admit I was a bit indignant at first, but I still agreed to go to the schoolhouse (if only because it would give me a chance to learn more about this place and about everybody here).
    Once we got there, Baran introduced me to Meren (the village's primary teacher, and one of the few locals the others here consider an adult), who offered to help me learn some Sindarin while Iā€™m here. I accepted the offer, and Meren had Baran & me join a group of younger students (Iorlas, Lalaith, & Thorel) that were still learning some of the languageā€™s rules themselves. Iā€™m not sure how much I actually learned from those three today, but I think I got along pretty well with them. (I have to say, itā€™s still pretty weird being in a classroom again, though.)
After school ended a little after noon, Meren asked me what I wanted to help with while I was here. I told Meren that Iā€™d be happy to help wherever I was needed, and he made a few different suggestions:
  • I could help Idhren (the villageā€™s apothecary) process herbs for teas
  • I could help Gildin (the villageā€™s blacksmith) at the forge
  • I could help Aduial (the villageā€™s craftscat) make glue
  • I could help Nelladel (the villageā€™s mason) make bricks
  • I could help Lalwen (the villageā€™s scribe) make ink
After a moment, I decided to work with Lalwen in the library. The decision itself was pretty easy; I didnā€™t have any experience as an apothecary, mason, or craftscat, and I was never all that great at working with metal. The afternoonā€™s work itself went fairly well, though Lalwen talked my ear off for a lot of it, and it clearly took most of Baranā€™s brainpower to keep up with her.
Anyway, itā€™s getting pretty late, and Iā€™ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

1 / 10 / 09
Nestorā€™s hooves, todayā€™s been crazy. I mean, today was already going to be fairly busy, what with MĆ­riel (? I think thatā€™s her name) having her fourth birthday today, but that wasnā€™t even the half of it!
It all started sometime before dawn, when all the noise outside my cottage woke me from this really nice dream I was having (Rocky and Jess were both in the dream, but thatā€™s all I really remember of it now). I went out to find Baran and ask him what all the fuss was about, but I didnā€™t end up needing to ask. When I got to the front of the crowd, I saw Meren face-to-face with a new arrival, and he looked like he didnā€™t even believe his own eyes. Then, a moment later, Meren jumped up to hug the new arrival, saying a bunch of stuff I didnā€™t have any hope of understanding even if he were saying it all in Not-Meow.
Thatā€™s when Baran found me and explained (without my having to ask) that the new arrival was Merenā€™s firstborn child, Tulus. Apparently, Tulus had been born just hours before everything went pear-shaped for most of the locals back on Earth, and had gotten separated from Meren shortly before reaching the Gate.
No wonder Meren sounded like he was crying then. He probably was.
The rest of the day was mostly taken up with MĆ­rielā€™s birthday party and with welcoming Tulus to the village. The other bakers made steamed mussels (which Baran says are MĆ­rielā€™s favorite food, and which tasted amazing) specifically for the occasion; most of the locals gave her a bunch of gifts, including a pressed wildflower that one of the others made into a necklace (which I think sheā€™s worn all day today); and the party itself (which went on until sometime after nightfall) might as well have played out perfectly.
Speaking of which, itā€™s getting really late. I should get some rest if I want to get anything done tomorrow.

1 / 13 / 09
Lalaithā€™s been helping me a lot with Sindarin in the few days weā€™ve known each other, and Iā€™ve already gotten a better grip on the language than I expected. I guess thatā€™s what happens with immersion (and with a lot of help from native speakers). Sheā€™s currently using the lyrics to a few different Sindarin songs (which she says Meren gave her copies of) to help teach me the basic sounds and basic rules of the language; I have to say, there are a lot more sounds to tell apart in Sindarin than in Not-Meow, thatā€™s for sure.
Anyway, once the school day ended and we had to get to our jobs, Lalaith asked me where I was headed next. When I told her I was going to Cervidae in two days, she immediately said she was going to miss me (even though sheā€™s got a bunch of other friends already, she said).
When I asked Lalaith what she meant by ā€œother friendsā€, she told me that she already thinks of me as one of those friends; Baran added that he considers me a friend as well, if only because weā€™ve spent too much time together to be anything else.
ā€¦even now, itā€™s a bit hard for me to believe. Despite the language barrier, despite all the ways this placeā€™s customs differ from everything else Iā€™ve seen, I somehow managed to make friends here.

1 / 15 / 09
I ended up staying longer than expected due to the rain today, but I plan to head out for Cervidae tomorrow. The rain should clear up by then, I hope.
Iā€™ve already talked with Baran, Meren, and Neldor about this. None of them were all that happy about me leaving on my own, but they know Iā€™ve got enough experience traveling between villages to keep myself safe, and they know that the not-cats in Cervidae are expecting me soon.
Around nightfall today, Neldor found me at the library and gave me some clothing items - a hat, a mantle, and a set of socks, all in this beautiful shade of red - that Aras and Lossen (the villageā€™s clothiers) made for me as a parting gift. I donā€™t know how they did it, but all of those items fit weirdly well, and they all feel like theyā€™ll last a really long time before I canā€™t wear them anymore.
All in all, my time in Linaewen Eden has been a lot more interesting than I bargained for. I wish Iā€™d gotten around to writing down more of what I've seen here, but I guess I was just too busy to get any more journaling done. (I guess Iā€™ll have to make a note in here to come back someday, both to commit more about this place to memory and to spend more time with the friends Iā€™ve made here.)
Note to self:
  • find a time to return to Linaewen Eden

My journey to Cervidae was a success! The handmade gift Aras and Lossen gave me kept me warm in the storm. I arrived late in the day and was greeted by many warm smiles and a meal of Fishy Rolls! Afterward a bonfire was held. We song so may songs I hadn't heard before! Thankfully one of the artist's Shore was there to help me out. I'm settling now in the village inn, where I know a deep sleep awaits me!
The past couple weeks have been eventful! I've helped with chores in the library, and got to watch Woods, Storm, and Viridis graduate from studenthood. We experienced a freeze that lasted a whole week- we couldn't go outside without slipping and falling. Our clothiers worked double time to make blankets for everyone. Along with the excitement, I've made a friends! Kim and I bonded over our shared sense of humor (puns really are the best!)
This is my last day in Cervidae! A big cake was made for luncheon for my departure. Kim, Brackwell, and Rockly all bid their farewells. I will not say who shed a few tears- and you'd never guess which one it was! They gave me a sunflower to remember them by, grown in one of Cervidae's many gardens. I've promised to be Pen Pals, though with so many friends from each village and my constant traveling, it may he hard to keep up. I'll miss the library and the students, but I'm glad to get on my travels again, and maybe one day visit again!

Summer 1 Year 9
Today I talked to Neville about the nearby village. We had a good time and became friends! happy I worked a a scribe in Truffle Town and I had a blast. It was so fun to connect with the other not-cats here but I think it is time for me to set off. I promised Neville that I would send him letters of my travels so we could still stay connected. I can't wait to see which village I go to next!


sun Summer 1-11, Year 9

I've arrived at Suntouched Village! Somehow, despite the name, and despite it already being the start of summer, a crisp chill remains over the village, so I've kept my current clothing for now. The cats of this village have been quite welcoming.

Their mayor, Merit, gave me a scarf as a welcoming gift. It is a warm red with a geometric design, and matches with her own scarf. She says it's all the rage these days.

Suntouched Village is a quiet village. Merit says that it is not usually so, but the cold weather have been making the atmosphere around more subdued. Everyone has been quite lethargic, she says, and I agree. They have such cozy nap piles in the warmest and softest blankets in the most perfect sunshine spots in this village.

In my free time from my continued work as a scribe, I explored their vast libraries of books. The village cats seem to put a lot of effort and meaning into education. They have plenty of young kittens, beans, and adolescents, and I see in all of them a great drive to learn. I'm glad to have been able to help teach them too!

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I got to listen to a folk tale from the local doctor, Agnes, about the adventures of the first North and South cats! It's a common topic in folk lore from different villages, but it's interesting to hear other cats' unique versions of it.

I had settled into a comfortable routine in my time in Suntouched. Too comfortable in fact, because I hadn't realized I'd actually stayed longer than I intended! Merit let me take some copies of books from the library, and gave me a satchel to put them in as a goodbye gift from the village. The rest of the village saw me off, we said our farewells, and Merit told me that I was welcome anytime in the village.

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I greatly enjoyed my time here in this sleepy village, but I'm so excited to see where I'll end up next. Perhaps for my next travels, I will follow this ominous letter I was sent on my last day about a snake's mysterious space egg in the Heart of the Woods.

Signed, Popcorn šŸæ sun

Summer 12-19, Year 9

I stumbled upon a village called Honeymelt on my travels, and thought it would be a lovely little place to rest up and relax for a while!!

During my stay here I wasn't exactly the most social not-cat (though maybe looking back on it I should've been...) and mostly focused on doing my own little thing, but I did manage to make friends with the village's lovely mayor Hyacinth! I hope if I ever decide to return and befriend more of the folks here in Honeymelt that he'd welcome me back in with open arms just like the first time feels

From reading local wildlife guides and learning more about this village, to a nice little walk along the lake with Citrine, and even building a cozy little woven grass home for my favorite mouse plushie, I think my stay here has been wonderful and recharging.

I can't wait to see what my next adventure brings me~ orangeheart

Summer 19-25, Year 9 (Feb 22-28)

Whew, that was a long travel, but Iā€™m finally at my next destination: Tulip Garden!

On my first day, I didn't do much, but met the not-cats of Tulip Garden! I learned that the village is named that, because when they first got there, they saw a lone tulip in a clearing near the forest. When they came back in the winter, the tulip was still growing, and so were many other plants! Then, during the first snow, the tulip turned rainbow! Wow! I saw the tulip, it was beautiful! Walnut, the mayor, Bleeding Heart, the first founder, and Cinder, Bleeding Heartā€™s partner, gave me a sunflower tail corsage after the tour!

On my second day, I did a lot more! I helped a not-cat named Puddle with making ink, and it was super messy! My paws are stained now!

On my third day, after more scribe practice, I began to paint a mural on one of the biggest rocks in the garden! Almond saw me, and decided he wanted to paint one as well! I also met Puddleā€™s mom, Enigma!

On my fourth day, after making ink, I watched Hail and Wintermint practice for Starball this upcoming autumn; they were amazing! They asked if I wanted to join, but I shook my head and continued to watch.

On my fifth day, when working to make ink, I wrote a story! It's called Secrets: Frozen in Ice!

On my 6th day, Puddle gave me a copy of the not-cat farmerā€™s almanac, which she got from another not-cat Cinnamon! Iā€™m going to keep it with me on my adventures, so I know what plants are in season! I also went on a walk with Zaira, and we climbed up the cliffs and sat for a while to enjoy the beautiful landscape!

On my 7th and last day, Divinity and Fleur made Rosemary Biscuits for luncheon; the not-cats of the Garden told me that a day with Rosemary Biscuits is a special lunch, and holiday even! They even dedicated Summer 25 to me as a celebration of Popcorn and all travelling not-cats! I teared up a little bit, it was so sweet. cryinghug Puddle also gave me a best friendā€™s letter! I hope she writes often! Well, I guess I better head out to the next village!

I've run out of room to talk, but I made two new freinds in Fallen Aspens and was given a flower! Here's a picture! sparkles
doodle of popcorn receiving his sunflower

Currently Wearing:

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