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TOPIC | Price checking an idea!

Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings neutral eyes. Red Carnation CrownRed Cotton MantleLight Left Eye ScarRed Carnation Tail CorsageWatermeowlon Party


Honey Town


account age 5/9

Mar 10, 2024 4:27:25
Hello folks! @thesillyseal & I is creating a new service but doesn't know how to price it! The explanation is below[center]

[center] Travelling cats and kinda useless, not doing much except bring back items here and there, but with our service we can take your choosen kitty and we will gather resources from the cat and send them to you. We will also send you a screenshot of
what your cat got so we are not scamming you.

With the explanation out of the way, I'm wondering how much should it cost for about a week or/and per day. I'm thinking 70-100 notes per week but seal is think 150-200 notes per week.

If you need any further explanation or questions feel free to ask me!


beans1 feel free to pm/ping me! beans2
Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] SP24 - Shinku parasolLeft Red Lily HeadpieceRed Lily Petal WhirlRight White Lily HeadpieceTasty White LilyRed Lily Tail Corsage



forum helper

Mar 10, 2024 10:13:50
Travelling cats aren't "useless" — all that storage exists so you can keep a lot of cats without generating so many items into the game. There are travelling exclusive items that come from letters and once you've unlocked the Innkeeper, you can put travelling cats in scenes.

With that said, you need a good price for this to be worthwhile, because coupled with the above, you have to consider that lending/boarding cats is an unsupported transaction. If you or Seal go inactive with peoples' cats, they can't get those cats back.

Additionally, the price should ideally be something that's less than the amount of notes the boarded cats get, otherwise the risks may outweigh any potential rewards. For example, if I send you one of my cats for two weeks, paying 200 notes to board them, and my cat only brings back 100 notes worth of resources, then it's not a service that's going to be worth it to me.

Those are just my thoughts, others may feel differently.
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings neutral eyes. Red Carnation CrownRed Cotton MantleLight Left Eye ScarRed Carnation Tail CorsageWatermeowlon Party


Honey Town


account age 5/9

Mar 10, 2024 23:31:50

Thanks you a lot for your opinion but I have a few questions.

How much should it be? I'm now think about 80 notes a week but I'm not sure that is right.

Is there anything I should keep in mind for the terms and services in case I might break them?

Thank you!
beans1 feel free to pm/ping me! beans2
Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] SP24 - Shinku parasolLeft Red Lily HeadpieceRed Lily Petal WhirlRight White Lily HeadpieceTasty White LilyRed Lily Tail Corsage



forum helper

Mar 11, 2024 17:09:39
I'm not really sure, since you have to weigh the above, the average notes-brought-back for jobs, and how valuable job experience and active village space is. Some jobs may bring a lot more notes back than others, so it's going to be something you have to work out with with your boarders. Some jobs also cost more than others — think about the cost of hosting a Gatherer, a Gardener, and a Craftscat.

Nothing else in the Terms of Service applies here, unless you didn't deliver the items you promised your boarders. It's just important to note that cat lending isn't a supported action so be aware of that!
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings neutral eyes. Red Carnation CrownRed Cotton MantleLight Left Eye ScarRed Carnation Tail CorsageWatermeowlon Party


Honey Town


account age 5/9

Mar 11, 2024 22:14:28

Thanks for your help! I'll keep all those things in mind.
beans1 feel free to pm/ping me! beans2
Not-cat with a snow colorpoint shorthair coatlocket & toes white markings sad eyes. [Custom] Purple Rose ShawlTasty White WildflowerHardwood Bark Shield


The Hive


account age 6/9

Mar 24, 2024 15:38:57
I think a higher price might be applicable because the only people that would probably be interested in this service would be people full up on traveling. since that's hundreds of cats, those people are more likely to have more spare notes to spend on a service like this and need the items gathered less. the valuable part is storing more cats than your cap, not collecting extra items now and then.

I'm not sure how much interest there would be, but keep that in mind! cheer
pings + friendly dms + unsolicited offers etc are fine cheer
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