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TOPIC | Private Item/Cat Sales

Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] SP24 - Shinku parasolLeft Red Lily HeadpieceRed Lily Petal WhirlRight White Lily HeadpieceTasty White LilyRed Lily Tail Corsage



forum helper

Apr 23, 2024 17:05:03
Similar to the Private Auctions feature on Flight Rising, I would love the ability to have Private Sales here on PCE.

My reason for this is I would like to start buying to-city cats in bulk, which I'd like to set up a thread in the forums to do so. With the current set-up, I have two options:

1. Sellers can send me trades that I then add money to, without posting.
2. Sellers ping me in my thread and then I set up a trade for them to respond to.

The issue #1 has is that I keep my active village near full capacity at all times. If I add the money, the seller needs to be the one to confirm the trade for it to go through. This can be cumbersome since they'll need to wait for me to have cat space.

The issue #2 has is removing the convenience of skipping posting and waiting for me to initiate a trade.

If we had private sales, sellers could send me these cats that I could pick up at any time without needing to add a contribution to a trade. I'm sure there's more benefits to this, such as in general faster sales, but that's my reasoning for wanting this teehee
Not-cat with a red lynxpoint shorthair coatblack lynxpoint trade markingsconfetti white markings content eyes. Exclamation BubbleLight Hunter's ScarfRight Bleeding Hearts EarringLeft Bleeding Hearts EarringRed Bead Anklets[Custom] red-tinted heart glasses


Sunrise Peak


account age 7/9

Apr 23, 2024 17:26:41
support! PAs on fr are so useful for making flat sales without having to wait for both parties to approve a trade, and it would be cool to have something like that on pce too
 gif stamp of a cat typing rapidly on a computer
button with cat head that says custom content
art | comms
ping in replies except on threads i make
 fashion week badge showing a cat in the spotlight
Not-cat with a charc rosette longhair coatleft bicolor white markings danger eyes. Cat-tato on HeadSweet Cat-tato NecklaceCrunchy Catrot


Peaceful Town


account age 5/9

Not-cat with a albino  shorthair coatalbino white markings content eyes. [Custom] Moonlit Sea - Crimson[Custom] SP24 - Lemon Parasol[Custom] Lime Dragon Wing Collar[Custom] The Lady's Attire[Custom] SP24 - Emerald Songbird Earrings[Custom] SP24 - Emerald Songbird Wings




account age 8/9

Apr 29, 2024 14:55:18
Support! I think this makes a lot of sense if both parties have already agreed on a price feels

(offtopic but I think something like this might be handy for cc too where you can e.g. give a discount to a specific person without the messiness of printing it yourself and then setting up a trade thonk)
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