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TOPIC | [DELAYS] Talkingpoints’ Tarot Shop {PWYW}

Not-cat with a ginger mink longhair coatorange mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings sleepy eyes. Green Feather ScarfGold Worm Buddies


Amethyst Shield

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Feb 26, 2023 22:57:03
@triggerbolt you're so welcome!! and thank you for the really generous payment! cryingfeels
gem4check out my not-cat tarot reading services here!gem1
Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatred classic trade markingsno white markings left eyes. Falling Autumn LeavesRed Wool Scarf



(any pronouns)

account age 8/9

Feb 27, 2023 8:18:09
Hi hi hi ! I got a cat and no idea for where to take their lore! Would you be up to do a reading for this kitty for 500 notes? Thank you so much!

Not-cat with a ginger mink longhair coatorange mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings sleepy eyes. Green Feather ScarfGold Worm Buddies


Amethyst Shield

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Feb 27, 2023 10:35:21
@Jackalope for sure!! i adore this cat so much by the way,, i hope you like the reading as much as i liked doing the reading for this cutie! sparkleparty

Past: 8 of Wands
Present: Death
Future: The Empress Reversed
Quite a lot of these cards represent change, starting with the 8 of Wands in the past. Things have been changing so quickly, Alaska is trying desperately to hold on and keep steady. Meanwhile, for the present, don't be concerned about Death -- or at least, don't be concerned about it literally. Much like in the past, this signifies change. But before, while the change was very fast-paced and left Alaska desperately holding on for dear life, it's finally crashed to Earth and changed something irrevocably for Alaska. It feels a lot like a death, in a way, that halting knowledge that everything is different, and Alaska probably just wants things to go back the way they were, please. Because of this, in the future, Alaska is very, very likely to depend quite a lot on the others in their village. There's nothing wrong with this, but they'll need to be careful to not become over-dependent, and hold fast to their ideals on their own.
gem4check out my not-cat tarot reading services here!gem1
Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatred classic trade markingsno white markings left eyes. Falling Autumn LeavesRed Wool Scarf



(any pronouns)

account age 8/9

Feb 27, 2023 11:22:14
eyeofnestor intriguing! Thank you so much, I'll see what I can make of this!!
Could I trouble you for three more readings, actually? These cats have art in their bio, if you wanna look at it and riff off of vibes you get!!

(yes, i could do readings myself, but it's much more fun to have them from someone else!)

I'lll send payment for the four readings all together right away hug thank you so much!
Not-cat with a ginger mink longhair coatorange mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings sleepy eyes. Green Feather ScarfGold Worm Buddies


Amethyst Shield

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Feb 27, 2023 12:22:44
@Jackalope here you go!! vibe riffing complete! and i appreciate you coming to me for the readings, it's genuinely been a lot of fun and such a great opportunity to get back into doing tarot spreads a bit more frequently feels thank you so much btw for the very generous payment amount! (i'm a newbie so it helps A Lot)

Past: 5 of Swords Reversed
Present: 3 of Pentacles Reversed
Future: Ace of Cups
This reading screams personal conflict to me. Plum is dramatic, she holds grudges, and she holds them strong. There's a lot of past resentment that's building towards a lot of malcontent within her social circle, and it's DEFINITELY still a problem in the present. Plum distances herself from the people who claim to be her friends, giving them the silent treatment. The future shows that this is very likely to resolve with compassion, understanding, and love, but it's going to take Plum a bit to realize that she can empathize with the others.

Past: 5 of Swords Reversed
Present: 4 of Pentacles Reversed
Future: Page of Wands Reversed
Okay, I swear I shuffled this deck well, so... I think we might know who's on the other end of Plum's grudge?? Either that, or there's just been a lot of past conflicts among the village cats. Adina's probably been trying to make amends -- I could easily see them as the inadvertent cause of some conflict. Adina's protective, and not everyone takes well to being protected, especially if other person involved thinks they can take care of everything on their own. But the past attempts to make amends haven't worked particularly well, and now Adina's holding their cards close to their chest, trying to protect themself from backlash. In the future, they'll be able to change the flow of their energy to new, different ideas, which might not necessarily be the direct solution for the conflict, but it'll certainly help Adina explore new sides of themself.

Past: Queen of Swords Reversed
Present: 9 of Wands
Future: The Chariot Reversed
Your cats really like to have swords reversed in the past, apparently. Simone has recently gone through a period of snarkiness, and has probably been easily influenced towards a lot of negativity. Might've been something in the air recently, I suppose? Either way, the present is a time where Simone's inner strength will be tested. She's going to be exhausted, but with a lot of resilience, she'll make it through to the other side. The problem, though, is what comes next. While they've developed their self-discipline, after the trials are over, they won't really know where they're going next, or what direction to take. Simone will probably need a little bit more guidance to apply their new positive energy in the right places.
gem4check out my not-cat tarot reading services here!gem1
Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatred classic trade markingsno white markings left eyes. Falling Autumn LeavesRed Wool Scarf



(any pronouns)

account age 8/9

Feb 27, 2023 12:28:35
Thank you SO much for all these excellent readings, they help a ton!! I'm excited to work them out into their bios hughughug and damn, they DO like their reversed swords, haha. Thank you again!!
Not-cat with a ginger mink longhair coatorange mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings sleepy eyes. Green Feather ScarfGold Worm Buddies


Amethyst Shield

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Feb 27, 2023 12:34:17
@Jackalope you're so incredibly welcome!! cheer
gem4check out my not-cat tarot reading services here!gem1
Not-cat with a red classic longhair coatblack classic trade markingspiebald / C6 white markings content eyes. Brown Fantail Pigeon on TailTan Floral ShawlSquare GlassesCheese on HeadRight Sunflower Headpiece




account age 7/9

Feb 28, 2023 1:01:30
Hi! This is such a cute gimmick, I'd love to get one of these for 2 of my kitties!

They each have bios which you can read on their profile :o)
I can do 200n each if that works for you hug
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❥ Ryder
❥ PCE+0
Art shop
Not-cat with a silver rosette longhair coatsnow rosette trade markingsno white markings content eyes. Blue Wildflower CrownSapphire Geode NecklacePeriwinkle Tail CorsageBlue Silk Head BowSword


Snowfall Vally


account age 8/9

Mar 1, 2023 15:39:58
heyyyyy guess whos baack
anyways i have two cats for you today (so ill pay like 300n) and you might notice that things are a bit different and thats cuz i had the cats elect a new mayor and flair ended up winning (brilliance actually wasnted even one of the candidates lmoa)
also the second cat is cedar, i dont have a bio for him rn but his lore is that he was a sort of cyborg psudo-not-cat made by drakone where he was forgotten about for them to do other unethical experiments, cedar doesnt really remember much about his past and he ended up in snowfall valley looking for answers
also like 90% sure that cedar and opal messed up brilliances plan in becoming the mayor, yeah i dont think any of us were expecting opal to be some double agent

Not-cat with a ginger mink longhair coatorange mink trade markingslocket & toes white markings sleepy eyes. Green Feather ScarfGold Worm Buddies


Amethyst Shield

(any pronouns)

account age 7/9

Mar 1, 2023 23:35:50
@gerard sorry for the wait! i've been a little bit more offline the past couple days. hope you find the readings worth waiting for!! happy

Past: Judgement
Present: The Moon Reversed
Future: 2 of Wands
Leaving Earth was a great time of rebirth for Winter, who could finally reinvent himself to his liking in his new village. In the past, it was a little bit more alright with him that he was generally misunderstood and mischaracterized. Winter knew itself, it knew who it was and was happy enough either way. Now, it's just a bit internally confusing, and Winter partly wishes that he was understood more by his villagemates. Travelling with his partner might help him clear his mind and surround himself with nature and his dear loved one in this time just before the beans are born. Winter just needs to be careful to make sure that he isn't mistaking a needed time of contemplation for avoidance.

Past: Page of Swords Reversed
Present: 4 of Cups Reversed
Future: Knight of Wands
Look up hasty and haphazard in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of Orchid. Aer explorative chaos usually somehow manages to work out in aer favor, but recently, it's been mistake after mistake, and Orchid is tired. Ae has been retreating mentally, only seeing the side of aerself that's led to countless injuries and inconveniences, and not the playful side ae is beloved for. In the future, Orchid can get aer groove back, but not without work and support. Once ae does, though, ae will be right back in action for many more adventures to come!
gem4check out my not-cat tarot reading services here!gem1
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