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TOPIC | Breeding Albinos?

Not-cat with a almond classic longhair coatsmoke classic trade markingslocket & toes white markings content eyes. Dark Sunflower NecklaceDark Sunflower Crown




account age 6/9

Jul 22, 2023 22:51:44
Is there a way to breed albinos from two non-albino cats? I know albinos result from level 10 white marks, but I'm not quite sure how to test my cats to see if any of them have level 10 white marks (aside from literally using a family tree to tell me what white marks they have)... so if someone would be willing to explain how to determine what a cat's hidden white mark level is if they don't display it?

If I do end up finding a cat with hidden level 10 white marks, how do I go about breeding an albino? Would breeding it with any cat displaying white work, or would it be a specific kind of cat I have to pair it with?

Thank you in advance!
Not-cat with a black mackerel shorthair coatchoco mackerel trade markingsclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. [Custom] SP24 - Shinku parasolLeft Red Lily HeadpieceRed Lily Petal WhirlRight White Lily HeadpieceTasty White LilyRed Lily Tail Corsage



forum helper

Jul 22, 2023 23:19:15
Because Albino is level 10, which is the end of the range, at least one parent must have white level 10 to breed beans with white level 10. In simpler terms, to breed albinos you need to have at least one albino.

Test your cats against cat 2468. If any white levels under 9 show up, your cat doesn't carry hidden albino. Note she carries no white, so you might need to check a few times to see what your cat has.

Once you find your white level 10, you can breed them with whoever. You'll always have a chance at breeding albinos as long as one parent has white level 10. The best method would obviously be breeding them with another white level 10, but if you don't have two compatible albinos, the next level down, 9, gives you the best odds (and is a lot more easier to get ahold of!).
Not-cat with a almond classic longhair coatsmoke classic trade markingslocket & toes white markings content eyes. Dark Sunflower NecklaceDark Sunflower Crown




account age 6/9

Jul 23, 2023 9:19:01
@Nae ahh alright thank you so much!
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