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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a silver lynxpoint longhair coatlocket white markings sleepy eyes. Yellow Dragonflies




account age 6/9

User ID: 13232

Join Date: 2023-08-12

Birthday: January 4

Village Profile
Hello there!
you can call me X or Rat :)
···· they/he pronouns · bi ···
I literally can't decide whether my favourite colour is green, pink, or red :(

thorough insect enjoyer

current interests:
· watercolour illustration
· varying religious mythos

Village Synopsis

Bottletropolis may have a silly name (and let's face it, silly cats), but it is really a very nice village to live in! Bottles are strung into the trees with wishes in them, and the majority of not-cats here try to get along.

Bottletropolis was named this by the first cats who came there, after lots of confusion around what the town should be named, they decided to name it after the first item they saw that was of interest. Instead of choosing something easy and cool sounding like a pebble, tree or snail, the cats waited patiently until a random bottle floated downstream. Someone shouted, "Bottletropolis!" The cats of the town laughed, and jokingly began to call the village Bottletropolis, knowing they would one day change it to something better. Accept, they never changed it, because Bottletropolis was what it had been called for so long and it just kind of stuck.

Later, Aquafina picked up the bottle and was annoyed to find that it had stolen her name.

The cats put a wish for the town's prosperity in the bottle and strung it from a low-hanging branch in the center of the clearing.

Strangely enough, lots of bottles tend to flow down that particular stream, and the citizens of Bottletropolis, upon finding one, will take it and put a wish inside of it.

Not-cat with a snow rosette longhair coatno white markings squint eyes. [Custom] Glorious Googly EyesTan Snail on BackRainbow Moustache[Custom] Googly Third Eye
(any pronouns)

Aug 13, 2023 18:50:17
Not-cat with a black mink shorthair coatfreckled piebald / C8 white markings sad eyes. Dark Leather ShoesPlain Cotton Mantle[Custom] Dark Right EyepatchPlain Cotton HoodDark KnifeEllipses Bubble

Aug 13, 2023 18:48:38
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