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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a charc mackerel longhair coatno white markings left eyes. Crown of WintermintUncut Sapphire NecklaceWinter Leaf Cloak


Broken Stone


account age 7/9

User ID: 2904

Join Date: 2022-11-18

Birthday: October 14

Village Profile
An old and weathered stone in the image of a not cat. Most of the features are worn with age and covered in moss. You can faintly see a third eye. Grass and flowers grow at its base.
leaf1 Welcome to Broken Stone! bird3

This simple not-cat village lies along the northern border of Nestor's realm. Often foggy and cold, it's not a popular stop for travelers, but those that do wish to stay an evening find themselves welcomed warmly by the quiet town. Even the few villagers who may seem a bit colder to strangers, including their mysterious and strange leader, enjoy the energy that a new visitor brings to town.

The highlight of most visits is almost always the evening meal. The whole town gathers around the main fire in the village center, a clearing ringed by the mysterious broken stones and weathered guardian statues that give the village its name. With good food and plenty of blankets to share for warmth as many of the villagers take turns telling stories and sharing songs through the night.

sav | she/her
old enough to remember quizilla

i'm a horrid little goblin
i'm just a person that likes to write, play games, and lose my mind over cute cats. sometimes i doodle things. sometimes i make dumb jokes. often times i torment my friends with terrible memes.

tarot shop

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