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Nestor's Wood ★

Not-cat with a beige cloudpoint shorthair coatbib & boots white markings stern eyes. White Bead Tail BandSilver CuffsShined Iron ArmorPlain Glittersilk ScarfUncut Sapphire NecklaceSilver Spiked CrownWhite Bead Circlet




account age 7/9

User ID: 7154

Join Date: 2023-02-18

Birthday: March 31

Village Profile
mountain cat clouds

Tzu ♢ she/her ♢ PCS -1


Entering the Fellowship


The sounds of chatter - chirps and mews - accompany the shuffling and tapping of paws busy at work. A humble little settlement that is nestled around a yawning cave mouth is where these not-cats are actively moving about. Figures in a strategic duel of paws are within the clearing, off to the side some not-cats are thoughtfully hammering away at some wooden boards, while others are barely visible through the foliage, picking at berries and leaves and sticks while they laugh at each other's jokes. It is apparent that they are still in the early development of their village as structures and relationships are built. But that does not seem to bother these not-cats. If anything, knowing how much progress is still to be done fills them ever fuller with determination.

Meet the primary villagers

At the helm of this organization is the bold and decisive, Summit. She scans her village from a vantage point, assessing each working group and yelling a word of advice when she finds necessary. Founder.

Viewed as a second-in-command of sorts, is the lone wolf, Talisman. He is assumed to be hiding off on his own most of the time, but when he isn't making himself scarce, he is at Summit's side or overseeing combat sessions. Little at all is known about this individual. Founder.

Essentially the official greeter of the village is Caldera, with her arms open for a kindly welcome! Although she is usually off in the background, she hopes to one day let everyone pop with color from wearing her designs. Founder.

Seen on the lake shore most of the day we have Excalipurr, expert fisher and motivator! He roots on his fellow villagers on and off the battlefield. But for the most part he's known for being silly and taking not-cats on water explorations! Founder.

Rain or shine, Squall is out tending to their prized farm. They've made themselves in charge of all crops across the village and likes to keep it orderly! Although not the most social she has a select few she cares about including her partner and pets~ Founder.

The most stationary not-cat seems to be Edelweiss who lounges around all day. Don't let it's laziness fool you, it still manages to do it daily job with ease on top of being the proud adopter of Nestor found beans. It is quite the village parent. Founder.

knife Party A
Summit [Guardian]
Talisman [Fighter]
Caldera [Ranger]
Excalipurr [Scout]

flowers Party B
Trident [Fighter]
Eyrun [Thief]

alt text required


Art & Lore WIP

Founding Day: Summer 42, Year 7.

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