site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is fog
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
cat base layer placeholder cat trade layer placeholder cat white layer placeholder cat eyes layer placeholder

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Nestor's Wood ★

Avel's Scenery

Not-cat with a aprico mackerel shorthair coatpiebald / C6 white markings left eyes. Dark Tail ScarsGold Feather TailpieceDried Grass ScarfGold Fantail Pigeon BuddyDried Grass Hat
Not-cat with a choco lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket white markings uwu eyes. Dark Hunter's CoatDark Hunter's HatGreen Feather on HeadBrown Hunter's ScarfTasty CatmintBrown Hunter's Tail Cozy
Not-cat with a red solid shorthair coatginger solid trade markingsno white markings squint eyes. Fishing NetsEmber Snailshell NecklaceLeather Shoes
Not-cat with a silver rosette shorthair coatno white markings stern eyes. Bundle of SticksWoven Grass HatWoven Grass ScarfHardwood Bark FlagLight Rock Tailpiece
Little Stick Hut
Sitting White Woolly Bun
Standing White Woolly Bun
Tiny Daisy Pot
The Before-Beans Painting
Green Striped Rug
Pile of Green Blankets
Large Green Dianthus Planter
Clay Green Dianthus Pot
Tiny Green Dianthus Pot
Yellow Wildflower Box
Stick Bouquet
Autumn Village Lodge
deep forest scene with tall trees in fog weather in winter
Chesiker | Scene #29020

Scene Description

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Mavrek, Brass, Seraphim, Trevor

Decor in Scene: Little Stick Hut #385, Sitting White Woolly Bun #1010, Standing White Woolly Bun #1009, Tiny Daisy Pot #871, The Before-Beans Painting #2279, Green Striped Rug #1337, Pile of Green Blankets #1336, Large Green Dianthus Planter #845, Clay Green Dianthus Pot #846, Tiny Green Dianthus Pot #847, Yellow Wildflower Box #369, Stick Bouquet #383

Buildings in Scene: Autumn Village Lodge #2807

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