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Nestor's Wood ★

Moon's Scenery

Not-cat with a black classic shorthair coatchoco classic trade markingsno white markings uwu eyes. Light Feather on HeadAqua Snailshell NecklaceGreen Dianthus Petal Whirl
Not-cat with a albino  longhair coatalbino / C10 white markings stern eyes. Maroon Feather AnkletsAshy BumblebeesYellow Wildflower CrownSummer Leaf CloakGreen Feather TailpieceUncut Rose Quartz Necklace
Not-cat with a orange clouded shorthair coatclassic bicolor / C5 white markings neutral eyes. Woven Grass BackpackBrown Feather Pendants
Not-cat with a black broken longhair coatbib & boots white markings content eyes. Blue Wildflower CrownYellow Dragonflies
Not-cat with a buff spotted shorthair coatcream spotted trade markingsno white markings neutral eyes. Green Feather BeltSummer Leaf on Head
Not-cat with a choco spotted shorthair coatbrown spotted trade markingsno white markings squint eyes. Left Maroon Fantail Pigeon FriendRed Butterfly NecklaceBundle of Sticks
Large Wooden Cottage
forest scene with crumbling ruins and runestones in partcloud weather in autumn
Elvanor | Scene #3927

Scene Description
It had all been Creek’s fault in the beginning.

“I bet I can make it rain”, he had said, puffing out his chest importantly and twitching his tail in that way he did whenever he had mischief on his mind.

Creek was one of those not-cats who was convinced that he could do anything. Nyx had long since given up trying to convince him otherwise. Whatever Nestor could do, Creek could do better, and so, when he had made his pronouncement, Nyx had simply rolled her eyes, nodded her head, and turned her attention back to the list of herbs as long as her tail that weren't going to gather themselves.

Garmin seemed ready for the trek ahead and was trying to persuade Aquitaine to leave the safety of their home base. Aquitaine had gathered a bunch of firewood together, claiming it would be useful for a campfire – but Nyx had a strong suspicion that it was really destined for the hearth in the front room.

Ketra was busy trying to catch dragonflies. Again. (Well, everyone else called them dragonflies. Ketra called them snacks.) The cunning insects always managed to get the better of her somehow. Nyx loved Ketra with all her heart and admired her resourcefulness, but sometimes she wished her friend didn’t operate such a clinical ‘see it, eat it’ policy with the local wildlife.

Nyx had just got everybody together and ready for the off when it started to rain.

Triumphantly, Creek declared it his victory.

Aquitaine made a beeline for the back door of the base.

Bud looked thoughtful, preened his fur, and then suggested that in the future, Creek should keep that particular skill under his whiskers.

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Creek, Nyx, Garmin, Ketra, Bud, Aquitaine

Decor in Scene:

Buildings in Scene: Large Wooden Cottage #1153

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