site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

absol's Scenery

Not-cat with a brown mackerel shorthair coattan mackerel trade markingslocket white markings neutral eyes. Blue Wildflower Necklace
Not-cat with a black lynxpoint shorthair coatlocket white markings sleepy eyes. Ember Snailshell Necklace
Not-cat with a brown mackerel shorthair coattan mackerel trade markingsno white markings sleepy eyes.
Not-cat with a smoke lynxpoint shorthair coatsilver lynxpoint trade markingslocket white markings neutral eyes.
Not-cat with a buff broken shorthair coatspotted piebald / C7 white markings right eyes.
Not-cat with a aprico broken longhair coatlocket white markings content eyes.
Pair of Blue Dragonflies
Flock of Brown Fantail Pigeons
Sitting White Chicken
Sitting Brown Chicken
Sitting Orange Bun
Yellow Chicks
Sitting Orange Patched Woolly Bun
Standing Orange Patched Bun
Large Wooden Barn
Artist's Workshop
open clearing in the woods in partcloud weather in winter
Amberesis | Scene #13396

Scene Description

This big, open clearing already has a slight path worn away in the grass, as travellers tend to move through here most often. Lumeine'ult is already planning to fit a 'marketplace' of sorts here, where visitors can trade for any items that the catstructs do not need or want.

With a bit of work, a couple of buildings have sprouted up around the gently winding path, offering services to whoever passes through.
Alvueide'ult has made themself very comfortable in their new barn with their new little friends, and Atlasite'ult has also found himself enjoying the peace and solace up within it's rafters.
Nestorite'ult is the most skilled of them all when it comes to blacksmithing, so the forge is typically manned by it...when it's around. Lumine'ult is content enough to at least deal with selling or trading any materials already-made, but ae is starting to grow concerned with Nestorite'ult's frequent absence.

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene: Alvueide’ult, Atlasite’ult, Membranite’ult, Pyrismine’ult, Litusite’ult, Azure

Decor in Scene: Pair of Blue Dragonflies #794, Not-Cardinal #895, Flock of Brown Fantail Pigeons #2728, Sitting White Chicken #1052, Sitting Brown Chicken #1050, Sitting Orange Bun #1004, Yellow Chicks #1060, Sitting Orange Patched Woolly Bun #1022, Standing Orange Patched Bun #1019

Buildings in Scene: Large Wooden Barn #1159, Artist's Workshop #1927

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