site banner: a black cat running through the woods; the weather is partcloud
pixelcatsend logo: four cats behind a wooden sign that says 'Pixel Cat's End'
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Nestor's Wood ★

TheEnforcer's Scenery

Rainbow Box of Secrets
Black Trapdoor Spider
Null Runestone
Jars of Dried Herbs
Summer Grass
Juvenile Dark Corrupted Maple
Tiny Fallen Baskets
Sea and Sky Runestone
Trade Runestone
North Runestone
Frost and Magma Runestone
Medium Weathered Cat Statue
Common Ember Wisp
Flora and Growth Runestone
Moon and Sun Runestone
Stone and Essence Runestone
deep forest scene with tall, extra huge trees in partcloud weather in autumn
Summoning Circle | Not Ellendale | Scene #14432

Scene Description
This perpetually dark clearing contains a circle of runestones that was probably put there by Enforcer, but they have remained silent on the matter. All Not-Cats except those chosen by Enforcer are banned from entering here, but rumors circulate of what goes on in here. The flashes of light and speaking, screaming, singing, perhaps all of the above in languages they don't understand from Enforcer's sanctum intensify here. And sometimes voices that aren't Enforcer's can be heard...when cats attempted to confront Enforcer about what they were doing in there after a ritual that could be heard through the whole village, they got a dismissive claim that Enforcer was simply communing with the spirits of the land to keep Not-Ellendale prosperous. Those cats were never seen again after then and Enforcer's sanctum gained more paintings...

Scene Contents
Cats in Scene:

Decor in Scene: Rainbow Box of Secrets #90, Black Trapdoor Spider #2562, Null Runestone #389, Jars of Dried Herbs #957, Summer Grass #336, Juvenile Dark Corrupted Maple #2583, Tiny Fallen Baskets #360, Sea and Sky Runestone #390, Trade Runestone #388, North Runestone #386, Frost and Magma Runestone #392, Medium Weathered Cat Statue #2677, Common Ember Wisp #2573, Flora and Growth Runestone #391, Moon and Sun Runestone #393, Stone and Essence Runestone #394

Buildings in Scene:

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